Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

A-Z of Celebrity Diets-Hollywood Diet Tips to Hide Evidence of Those Extra Helpings

Even those oh-so-slim celebs over-indulge to beat stress, boredom and depression. Here are their secret Hollywood diet tips to help whisk away evidence of those extra helpings of, well, everything

41-year-old Jennifer Aniston owes her svelte figure to healthy diet

All-new Atkins Diet

A decade ago, the no carb/high protein Atkins was the most popular diet in Hollywood, with celebrity followers including Jennifer Aniston and Renee Zellweger.

The theory is if carbohydrates are restricted the body turns to fat to burn as its main energy source, resulting in a rapid and dramatic weight loss. But its popularity dived after heart disease and high-cholesterol scares. But now Atkins is back, new and improved and with more varied foods (wholegrain bread, brown rice, pasta, fruit grilled chicken, lean meats and fish) on the menu.

Baby food

Reese Witherspoon believes in baby food to keep her trim.
Yes, A-listers such as Reese Witherspoon and Desperate Housewives' Marcia Cross spoon in jars of baby food when they need to slim their waistlines. Baby food dieters replace two meals a day with a pot of pureed baby food (about 80 calories) and then fill up on one healthy adult meal.


The pick-me-up can be a dieter's best friend and one that Diet Coke fans Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchett, Kim Basinger and Caprice know all about. A cup of coffee before a gym workout could help you burn more fat. Researchers at the Australian Institute of Sport found caffeine triggers the muscles to use energy from fat sources rather than carbohydrate.


Kate Moss and Sadie Frost follow this treatment. The detox plan involves avoiding refined sugary and “toxic” foods such as wheat, potatoes, dairy produce, citrus fruits, red meat and alcohol.

Emotional eating

Most adults eat to combat the blues, boredom, stress and loneliness. If you understand why you are eating you can easily tackle the problem, according to experts. Exercise more to lift your mood, take a relaxing bath. Acknowledge that you are turning to food when you need comfort.

Fruit juices

Fruit juice fans include Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwyneth Paltrow and Alicia Silverstone. Katie Price/Jordan credited fruit and vegetable juices with her rapid post-baby weight loss. She opted for blends of avocado, pineapple, spinach and celery, which she said, “sounds revolting but it's delicious”. Juices or smoothies are an easy way to get your antioxidant fix.

Green tea

This oriental tea is a fantastic metabolism booster. Christina Aguilera drinks it to keep her in shape. Research shows green tea increases thermogenesis, the process by which your body burns the calories you consume, so one to two cups of tea a day could burn up to 70 calories.

Grapefruit diet

It's a tough diet, but one that Brooke Shields is believed to be a fan of. Dieters eat half a grapefruit before every meal and stick to less than 800 calories a day. Grapefruit contains fat-burning enzymes.


Lily Allen was all smiles when she shed 19lbs, dropping to a size eight. The singer was under doctor's orders to lose weight and get fit after she was diagnosed with a heart murmur. Lily underwent hypnotherapy sessions to reprogramme her brain to enjoy eating healthy foods and feel positive about exercising.


Kylie Minogue and Kim Cattrall are all fans of the Glycaemic Index Diet, which is rich in pulses, oats, fruits and wholegrains, but bans processed carbs. Foods are ranked on a scale from zero to 100 based on how much they affect blood sugar. Low-GI foods help stabilise blood-sugar levels so you don’t go through cycles of sugar highs and lows. You’ll feel fuller for longer and less likely to snack.

Japanese food

Victoria Beckham remain ultra trim thanks to Japanese cuisine — edamame beans (baby soybeans) and seaweed shakes. A traditional Japanese diet contains plenty of fish, vegetables, rice, fruit and soy. Plus portion sizes are smaller, cutting the calories. In Okinawa, which has the greatest longevity in the world, people commonly eat 10 different varieties of fruit and vegetables daily and up to three servings of omega-3 rich oily fish.


Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria says the secret of her toned figure is kinesiology. It is a holistic technique which can pinpoint imbalances in the body and identify which of those is a priority and what will be the most effective treatment. For Eva it means following a healthy diet eating meat, fish and fresh vegetables.

Little and often

Actress Charlize Theron believes her slim figure is down to eating little and often. “I eat six small meals a day,” she admits. “If I fancy a burger, rather than deprive myself I’ll have a quarter of one.” Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger too eats six small meals a day. Small meals keeps your blood sugars steady so you are less tempted to snack. Psychologically as you’re not going too long between eating, you don’t feel deprived.

Maple syrup diet

This diet helped Beyonce Knowles drop a stone before starring in movie Dreamgirls. For a fortnight she glugged a syrup mixed with lemon juice, water and cayenne pepper. It’s called Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup, made from the sap of maple and palm trees. It may be an extreme fad but followers say as well as dramatically losing weight you feel more alert and have clearer skin. The diet is flexible, you can follow it strictly, or do an occasional day, or replace some meals with the liquid.

The New York Diet

It’s an intensive boot-camp of a diet followed by Liv Tyler and Heidi Klum. The regime allows five meals a day but only from certain food groups. No booze, bread, starchy carbs, dairy, fruit and saturated fats.

One meal a day

Liz Hurley admitted a disciplined diet of only one full meal a day (dinner) was the key to shifting her baby weight. Brooke Shields admits to eating one meal a day as did Ashton Kutcher ahead of his 2009 movie Spread. Also called the Caveman Diet, it harks back to the Stone Age when cavemen ate just one meal a day. For the caveman diet, your main meal of the day should be a balance of protein, carbs and vegetables in the evening.

Portion control

Halle Berry always keeps a watchful eye on how much she’s eating, while Heroes star Hayden Panettiere goes one step further by eating a quarter of a portion and waiting to see if she’s full. By having too big a portion at each meal you could be taking in as much as 7,000 extra calories each week. One way is to eat half of your portion, but I recommend eating a smaller portion, then waiting 10 minutes. If you feel full, stop eating. If you’re still not satisfied have just a bit more. It can also help to use a smaller plate.

Quick Diet

Jessica Biel, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu and Jennifer Lopez follow this diet. One should eat every three hours. Meals should include a Rubik's-cube sized portion of carbs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a deck of playing cards-sized portion of protein, a water bottle cap-sized portion of fat and a stack of three DVD's-sized portion of fruit and vegetables at each meal.

Raw Food Diet

It’s all about raw food. A daily diet should be made up of two thirds raw vegetables and one third meat (not pork), fish and dairy products. Uma Thurman and Demi Moore are believed to be fans. The idea is that raw food contains live enzymes which boost energy. These enzymes are destroyed during cooking. Eating raw vegetables also burns more calories than eating cooked vegetables.


Supermodel and mum-of-two Cindy Crawford still looks sensational at 44 and she puts it down to snacking during the day. Sensible snacks include fresh vegetable and fresh and dried fruitS, yoghurts and crispbreads with low-fat cheese.


Even the slimmest of stars treat themselves occasionally, and some claim regular "pig-outs" actually keep them on track. Cheryl Cole says staying slim doesn't have to mean she misses out on her favourite foods. "I usually do it on a Sunday,”she says. Scary Spice Mel B and Mischa Barton are fans od once-a-week treats Healthy eating is all about enjoying your food and having treats in moderation."

Under the knife

Gastric-band surgery involves putting a band around the top of the stomach, preventing part of it from being used, so you feel fuller. The band can be tightened or loosened. An alternative procedure is gastric bypass surgery (or stomach stapling) where part of the stomach is sealed off. With patients only able to eat small meals, weight loss is rapid. However, maintaining a steady weight afterwards can be more challenging as Sharon Osbourne discovered.

Vodka and Vinegar

Sienna Miller and Liz Hurley swap wine for vodka. One shot contains 55 calories, compared to 115 calories in a standard glass of wine. Megan Fox and Black Eyed Peas frontwoman Fergie both admit to guzzling vinegar to keep in peak condition. "It's just water and raw apple cider vinegar, and it cleans out your system," Megan Fox explains.


Catherine Zeta-Jones is a fan. All foods are given a WeightWatchers' points value based on their calorie and saturated-fat content. You can eat any food you like as long as you don't go over your daily points allowance (which is based on your age, weight and activity levels).

X Factor

Syndrome X, is a form of insulin resistance where sugar levels are raised. It's a pre-diabetic state and is linked to obesity and longterm health problems. The biggest indicator that you’re suffering from Syndrome X is a beer belly — as the roll of fat is believed to directly affect the liver and pancreas underneath. The cause is sugar in our diet, something the slimmest celebrities avoid like the plague. In training for her world tour, Britney Spears shed a stone by curbing her sweet tooth. Katie Holmes, Julia Roberts and Beyonce Knowles are believed to all have a sweet tooth, but keep a close eye on their sugar intake. Cut out sugar — in sweets, desserts, fizzy drinks and processed foods .


Stars are quick to fight the ageing process by eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids or taking fish oil supplements, which also helps them stay trim. Supermodel Elle Macpherson includes fish oil in her daily organic diet. Gwyneth Paltrow follows a diet rich in fish — avoiding meat . Oily fish is a fantastic source of omega-3 fats which plumps out the skin, minimising wrinkles and improving complexion. These essential fats also improve the body's ability to break down fat, helping you shift those pounds. Tuna, mackerel, salmon and herring are an ideal choice.


Irregular sleep is believed to set the metabolic functions off-kilter, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and vascular problems. Some stars like Penelope Cruz swear by eight hours of sleep. Lack of sleep causes imbalances in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control appetite and hunger. For the best night's sleep you should aim to get seven to eight hours of undisturbed zzzzzzs.

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