Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Top 10 Foods That Carry a High Risk of Contamination

Watch before you eat: They maybe healthy or delicious, but these top 10 foods carry a high risk of contamination


One of the healthiest foods is also among the most unsafe. The salmonella bacteria, nurtured in the intestinal tracts of animals and birds, contaminates the eggs. The best way to ensure you don’t ingest that bacteria is to buy fresh eggs from a daily vendor. Do not buy ones that have been sitting in the heat for a while. Store eggs in the fridge, but no more than a week. If in doubt, test freshness by placing an egg in a bowl filled with water. If it sinks, it is fresh. Always cook the eggs and avoid using them raw in a recipe.


Though they boast of immeasurable benefits, leafy veggies such as spinach, coriander, cabbage, chauli leaves and cauliflower can pose health risks. They may have been grown near rail tracks with dubious irrigation, and can be contaminated by E. coli, norovirus and salmonella. Sprayed by pesticides, the best way to eat such vegetables is by soaking them in a large bowl of water, and drying them before eating.


Fish has to be eaten fresh; store it in the fridge for no more than two to three days, as it starts releasing natural toxins such as scombrotoxin or start bacterial growth. Consumption can cause illnesses related to norovirus and salmonella. Before cooking, wash the fish, especially the cavities, in running water and rub with salt and turmeric before cooking.


Unless well cooked, oysters can cause norovirus infection which can lead to gastro-enteritis or stomach and intestine inflammation. Vibrio, a bacterium found in the same family as cholera and present in oysters, is more lethal and can lead to severe diseases. Thorough cooking the oysters destroys these bacteria as does storing them in cold temperatures.


This will probably break the hearts of couch potatoes — salmonella, E. coli, shigella and listeria are on the list of potato contaminants. However, don’t pass the fries yet. All you need to do is brush the skin with a toothbrush to dislodge mud and debris and peel it before eating or cooking.


Cheeses produced by unlicensed manufacturers and soft cheeses such as feta and brie, may contain dangerous pathogens that cause listeriosis, a sly, symptom free infection that can result in miscarriage. The only thing you can do to guard yourself is avoid non-pasteurised cheese products.


Home-made ice-cream,or those made in unhygienic conditions or served in unsanitary outlets can carry salmonella and staphylococcus. Most of the time, uncooked eggs and unpasturerised milk used in the ingredients is the culprit. Dirty scoops, storage containers and freezers breed bacteria and increase the threat of listeriosis. Commercial or store-bought brands are your safest bet.


Even tomatoes are considered a risky food due to the presence of salmonella. The bacteria makes its way to the flesh through the cracked skin, dents and scars. Washing the fruit thoroughly and cooking it well is the only way to eradicate it.


Since bacteria need a warm, humid climate to grow, they are persistently found in sprouts. Harmful pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli cling to pulses, which are essentially seeds, in the field or in storage. If you have a weak immune system, you are most susceptible to illnesses after consuming raw or undercooked sprouts. So if you are recovering from a bout of illness, or breast-feeding, avoid sprouts for a few days. Also, children and elderly individuals should avoid eating them raw.


Before running out to consume boxes of strawberries, know that they have been linked to thousands of illnesses. The most common being cyclospora that affects the intestines. Symptoms include diarrhoea, dehydration and stomach cramps. Only a antibiotics will set you back on course. To get rid of pesticides that penetrate the thin skin of berries, wash them thoroughly.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Young Hearts in Danger, Lifestyle Changes Necessary

Men and women as young as 19-years-old are falling prey to heart ailments. Their stress filled lifestyle is the culprit, say doctors

Acute mental stress is one of the primary reasons for heart problems in youngsters

Be it heart attacks or clogging of arteries, what is surprising is the emergence of a new profile of people between 25 - 35 years with heart conditions, typically seen in an older age group. Dr C N Manjunath, Director of Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology, says, “Youngsters in India are more vulnerable to heart problems as compared to youngsters from other countries including the US. And this holds true even for Indians who live abroad. In our hospital alone, out of the 1500 cases that were admitted last year, 25 per cent were below 40. Our youngest patient last year was a 19-year-old. And it is happening in this age group across economic backgrounds, be it a techie or a coolie or a garment factory worker. Acute mental stress is one of the predominant reasons.”


Harish Iyer was pretty much “all okay”. He had recently been diagnosed with diabetes, but led a “normal life”. He recalls, “I used to play cricket over weekends and noticed that I felt unusually tired. Since I was diagnosed with diabetes a few months back, my doctor suggested some tests beginning with basic cardiogram and treadmill tests. Many tests later, including an angiogram, I was diagnosed with TVD or Triple Vessel Disease.” In September 2009, Harish had a bypass surgery. He was 30-years-old and had four blocks in his arteries with one of them being 99 per cent blocked!

Similarly, Jacob (name changed), who works in a leading IT company started smoking (two to three packs) to find relief from an extremely stressful job. Combined with irregular meal-timings, a potent scenario ensued resulting in a massive heart attack at the age of 31 years.

For Prasad Shenoy, a commodity trader, it was a gentler warning. In 2005, at the age of 31, when he was at work, he started sweating and experienced chest pain. “The minute I went to the hospital, they did an ECG and rushed me to the OT. At that time, my son was just one-yearold and my wife was expecting our second child. I had told her that I was going for a checkup, that’s all. By the time she came to the hospital, angioplasty procedure was almost done. One of the arteries was 100 per cent blocked,” recounts Prasad.


For Harish it was erratic food habits and timings, eating whatever was convenient (read as loaded with calories) and lack of exercise were largely responsible for the weakening of his heart. “Sleep was also an issue,” he says, “and I worked till late night and then carried work home.” The overwhelming feeling of tiredness was a sign that things were not well. As with Prasad, “The doctors could not really pinpoint any reason. I love fried food, had only butter naan or roti, did not exercise much. Plus, my job was extremely stressful. Probably, everything just added up together.”

Dr Sanjay Mehrotra, Senior Cardiologist at Narayana Hrudayalaya, tells of the warning signs.

» Chest pain/chest discomfort
» Difficulty in breathing
» Heaviness in the chest
» Feeling of suffocation in the chest
» Sometimes, the impending sense of something is seriously wrong.

For those people who have preexisting heart diseases or blockages in the heart then the same symptoms as described above will appear with a little exertion or the usual exertion like climbing more than 2-3 flight of stairs, running a short distance or riding a bicycle.

Are you predisposed to a heart attack? Yes, if you:

» are a smoker — (still the most important cause of heart attack in young people)
» have diabetes
» have high blood pressure
» strong family history
» do you have high cholesterol
» are obese/have a high fat diet/have a sedentary lifestyle

Then any of these factors can put you in the high risk bracket.


Harish says, “I am very watchful of what I consume.” He also goes for a walk regularly. “That brought in some discipline and got my blood sugar under control. I have joined a gym — never knew it could be so much fun! I ensure that I do not get too stressed with work. So life is definitely better.”

Harish neatly summarises, “Trust me, it is not the surgery that hurts. You are anyway unconscious during surgery. It is the post surgery recuperation that has taught me a few lessons, the major one is to respect my heart. No one realises its importance, unless some jolt like this occurs.”


YOU SHOULD reach the hospital as soon as possible to save yourself from damage or death due to a heart attack.

The Golden hour: The patient should rush to the hospital within one hour of the onset of chest pain/discomfort.

The Golden Period: Upto six hours from the onset of chest pain when a simple injection (thrombolytic therapy) can save your life.

Katy Perry’s US Trainer Harley Pasternak Explains How You Can Eat More, Work out Less and Get a Dream Body

Five factor diet plan

Katy Perry’s trimmer than ever ahead of her wedding, thanks to Harley Pasternak. The US trainer explains how you too can eat more, work out less and get your dream body

Katy Perry

Pop star Katy Perry may like to wear cream cakes, but from the looks of her enviable figure, she certainly hasn’t been eating them. In fact, the 25-year-old has embarked on a strict diet ahead of her upcoming wedding to the tamed lothario Russell Brand, 35. The pair are set to tie the knot in India this October.

And Katy’s keen to look picture perfect on her big day, so she’s turned to the one man that — Hollywood’s leading ladies swear by — Harley Pasternak. “She’s getting in shape for everything — wedding, music videos, touring, etc,” says trainer Harley.

Singer Katy Perry’s eating plan is an example of how you might want to structure your own diet to increase your chances of losing weight in one month

“She works out as often as she can — she’s a busy woman — but her goal is five times a week and she eats five small meals a day.”

According to fitness and nutrition guru Harley, the reason celebs such as Megan Fox, Halle Berry, and Jennifer Hudson, love his famous Five Factor diet plan is simple, “It requires the least amount of time for the most results and that’s exactly what my clients are looking for.”


Harley’s credited with helping change the must-have shape of Hollywood stars from skinny to sexy. Under his guidance Katy Perry may be slimming down but she certainly won’t be losing the curves that helped her top Maxim’s list of the world’s hottest 100 women and brought her to Russell Brand’s attention.

In fact, after meeting her at the X Factor auditions, super-slim Cheryl Tweedy reportedly told a friend, “I look like a little boy next to Katy.”

But Harley’s 5-factor plan is for those who want curves in all the right places — not those who want to shrink to a shocking size zero. “Women should look like women. They need natural curves and if they’re too lean, their hormonal cycle gets thrown off and they stop looking and feeling like women.”


Here’s how the magic number 5 can help you get curves in all the right places.

The 5 factor rules

Follow these simple rules...
» Eat 5 times a day — you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day and keep cravings at bay.
» Meals must consist of 5 ingredients or less — so they’re fresh, healthy and cheap to make.
» Meals should take just 5 minutes to prepare — so it’s easy to stick to, no matter how busy you are.
» Allow yourself to cheat once a week — taking a break where you can enjoy your favourite foods.
» You should do 5 short workouts a week.

The 5 meal ingredients

Every meal should include...
» A low-fat protein: chicken breasts, fish, shellfish, egg whites or cottage cheese.
» Healthy carbohydrate: beans, lentils, brown rice, wild rice, fruit.
» Fibre: from healthy carbs such as beans, oats, lentils, barley, brown rice, wholegrain bread, vegetables (except potatoes) and fruit.
» Healthy fats: cooking oils such as olive and rapeseed (no full-fat dairy).
» A sugarfree drink.

Your 5-meals-a-day menu

Choose from one of the following each day...


» French toast: Two slices of bread dipped in egg whites, skimmed milk and a little sugar. Grill. Top with low- fat cheese and a few berries.
» Omelette: Sauté chopped onion, egg whites, ground chicken or turkey, chopped tomato and mushrooms. Serve with two pieces of wholegrain toast.
» Wholegrain cereal with low-fat milk.
» Scrambled egg whites with a strawberry smoothie (made with strawberries, low-fat yoghurt and ice) and two pieces of wholegrain toast. » Grapefruit halves, with low-fat yoghurt, plus porridge with strawberries.

Morning Snacks

» Turkey slices with celery dipped in homemade hummus (blend chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, two cloves garlic).
» Hard-boiled egg with tuna.
» Apple slices with peanut butter.


» Curried chicken salad: chopped cooked chicken breast with onion, plain yoghurt, curry powder with water, microwave 1 minute, serve open-faced on a slice of bread or on a bed of lettuce.
» Lettuce wrap with prawns, celery and sweet chilli dressing.
» Baked sweet potato with tuna.
» Tomato soup with granary roll.
» Green bean salad with tuna and fat-free vinaigrette dressing.

Afternoon Snacks
» Tuna sushi.
» Edamame beans.
» Sausage skewers with roasted cherry tomatoes and mustard.


» Chicken fajita: Chopped onion, pepper, skinless chicken breast, fajita seasoning, wrapped in tortillas, along with low-fat cheddar, salsa and lettuce.
» Chicken and vegetable stir fry with brown rice and Chinese veg.
» Grilled steak with sweet potato mash and steamed asparagus.
» Chilli made with lean beef and served with brown rice.
» Seafood and veg stir-fry with rice noodles.


Harley advises combining cardio that gets you out of breath with toning moves such as the ones below.

Arm toner: Bicep curl

Hold a dumbbell (or fulllitre water bottle) in your right hand, with your right arm extending to the floor. Your palm facing upwards, exhale as you draw your elbow up along your ribs as high as you can Inhale as you return the your arm back to the starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps and then switch sides.

Legs and bums:


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a light weight at arm’s length, with your palms facing each other. With your shoulders back and head up, inhale as you take a large step forward. Lower your body, creating a 90-degree angles. As your back knee nears the ground, exhale as you drive back with the muscles of your front leg to return to the starting position. Alternate after rep of 15.

Tummy target: Double crunch

Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet a few inches off the floor, your hands holding your head — but your fingers not locked.

Curl shoulders up from the mat while rolling your bottom and thighs up toward your head. Keep your chin away from your chest and your eyes up. Do as many as you can in sets of 10 or 15.


Do five minutes of five different exercises, at least five days a week — that’s 25 minutes per session. Harley believes that working out more often for shorter periods of time is more effective than spending hours at the gym. Good choices include: running, cycling, dancing, brisk walking or swimming and variety is key. Daily Mirror


LADY GAGA, 24 The outrageous but super-toned singer takes Harley on tour with her to keep her body in hot shape. “She wanted to have the best abs, legs and arms ever — so she stepped up her workouts. Now she’s super confident about her body and comfortable wearing everything,” says Harley.

JESSICA SIMPSON, 30 The US actress turned to Harley after her weight ballooned last year. “She wanted to be strong, athletic and fit and have definition in her arms, legs and abs but keep her feminine curves,” he explains.

HALLE BERRY, 43 Halle called Harley to help get her amazing body even more buff for the X-Men 3 movie. “She has no problem working her butt off as long as she doesn’t have to do it for too long, and as long as she sees results,” he says.

JENNIFER HUDSON, 28 Harley helped the American Idol star slim from a UK size 16 to a size 10 recently. “I think she looks fantastic,” says Harley. “She’s not someone who typically liked exercising but she saw the results and we got her working out five days a week.”

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

A-Z of Celebrity Diets-Hollywood Diet Tips to Hide Evidence of Those Extra Helpings

Even those oh-so-slim celebs over-indulge to beat stress, boredom and depression. Here are their secret Hollywood diet tips to help whisk away evidence of those extra helpings of, well, everything

41-year-old Jennifer Aniston owes her svelte figure to healthy diet

All-new Atkins Diet

A decade ago, the no carb/high protein Atkins was the most popular diet in Hollywood, with celebrity followers including Jennifer Aniston and Renee Zellweger.

The theory is if carbohydrates are restricted the body turns to fat to burn as its main energy source, resulting in a rapid and dramatic weight loss. But its popularity dived after heart disease and high-cholesterol scares. But now Atkins is back, new and improved and with more varied foods (wholegrain bread, brown rice, pasta, fruit grilled chicken, lean meats and fish) on the menu.

Baby food

Reese Witherspoon believes in baby food to keep her trim.
Yes, A-listers such as Reese Witherspoon and Desperate Housewives' Marcia Cross spoon in jars of baby food when they need to slim their waistlines. Baby food dieters replace two meals a day with a pot of pureed baby food (about 80 calories) and then fill up on one healthy adult meal.


The pick-me-up can be a dieter's best friend and one that Diet Coke fans Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchett, Kim Basinger and Caprice know all about. A cup of coffee before a gym workout could help you burn more fat. Researchers at the Australian Institute of Sport found caffeine triggers the muscles to use energy from fat sources rather than carbohydrate.


Kate Moss and Sadie Frost follow this treatment. The detox plan involves avoiding refined sugary and “toxic” foods such as wheat, potatoes, dairy produce, citrus fruits, red meat and alcohol.

Emotional eating

Most adults eat to combat the blues, boredom, stress and loneliness. If you understand why you are eating you can easily tackle the problem, according to experts. Exercise more to lift your mood, take a relaxing bath. Acknowledge that you are turning to food when you need comfort.

Fruit juices

Fruit juice fans include Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwyneth Paltrow and Alicia Silverstone. Katie Price/Jordan credited fruit and vegetable juices with her rapid post-baby weight loss. She opted for blends of avocado, pineapple, spinach and celery, which she said, “sounds revolting but it's delicious”. Juices or smoothies are an easy way to get your antioxidant fix.

Green tea

This oriental tea is a fantastic metabolism booster. Christina Aguilera drinks it to keep her in shape. Research shows green tea increases thermogenesis, the process by which your body burns the calories you consume, so one to two cups of tea a day could burn up to 70 calories.

Grapefruit diet

It's a tough diet, but one that Brooke Shields is believed to be a fan of. Dieters eat half a grapefruit before every meal and stick to less than 800 calories a day. Grapefruit contains fat-burning enzymes.


Lily Allen was all smiles when she shed 19lbs, dropping to a size eight. The singer was under doctor's orders to lose weight and get fit after she was diagnosed with a heart murmur. Lily underwent hypnotherapy sessions to reprogramme her brain to enjoy eating healthy foods and feel positive about exercising.


Kylie Minogue and Kim Cattrall are all fans of the Glycaemic Index Diet, which is rich in pulses, oats, fruits and wholegrains, but bans processed carbs. Foods are ranked on a scale from zero to 100 based on how much they affect blood sugar. Low-GI foods help stabilise blood-sugar levels so you don’t go through cycles of sugar highs and lows. You’ll feel fuller for longer and less likely to snack.

Japanese food

Victoria Beckham remain ultra trim thanks to Japanese cuisine — edamame beans (baby soybeans) and seaweed shakes. A traditional Japanese diet contains plenty of fish, vegetables, rice, fruit and soy. Plus portion sizes are smaller, cutting the calories. In Okinawa, which has the greatest longevity in the world, people commonly eat 10 different varieties of fruit and vegetables daily and up to three servings of omega-3 rich oily fish.


Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria says the secret of her toned figure is kinesiology. It is a holistic technique which can pinpoint imbalances in the body and identify which of those is a priority and what will be the most effective treatment. For Eva it means following a healthy diet eating meat, fish and fresh vegetables.

Little and often

Actress Charlize Theron believes her slim figure is down to eating little and often. “I eat six small meals a day,” she admits. “If I fancy a burger, rather than deprive myself I’ll have a quarter of one.” Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger too eats six small meals a day. Small meals keeps your blood sugars steady so you are less tempted to snack. Psychologically as you’re not going too long between eating, you don’t feel deprived.

Maple syrup diet

This diet helped Beyonce Knowles drop a stone before starring in movie Dreamgirls. For a fortnight she glugged a syrup mixed with lemon juice, water and cayenne pepper. It’s called Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup, made from the sap of maple and palm trees. It may be an extreme fad but followers say as well as dramatically losing weight you feel more alert and have clearer skin. The diet is flexible, you can follow it strictly, or do an occasional day, or replace some meals with the liquid.

The New York Diet

It’s an intensive boot-camp of a diet followed by Liv Tyler and Heidi Klum. The regime allows five meals a day but only from certain food groups. No booze, bread, starchy carbs, dairy, fruit and saturated fats.

One meal a day

Liz Hurley admitted a disciplined diet of only one full meal a day (dinner) was the key to shifting her baby weight. Brooke Shields admits to eating one meal a day as did Ashton Kutcher ahead of his 2009 movie Spread. Also called the Caveman Diet, it harks back to the Stone Age when cavemen ate just one meal a day. For the caveman diet, your main meal of the day should be a balance of protein, carbs and vegetables in the evening.

Portion control

Halle Berry always keeps a watchful eye on how much she’s eating, while Heroes star Hayden Panettiere goes one step further by eating a quarter of a portion and waiting to see if she’s full. By having too big a portion at each meal you could be taking in as much as 7,000 extra calories each week. One way is to eat half of your portion, but I recommend eating a smaller portion, then waiting 10 minutes. If you feel full, stop eating. If you’re still not satisfied have just a bit more. It can also help to use a smaller plate.

Quick Diet

Jessica Biel, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu and Jennifer Lopez follow this diet. One should eat every three hours. Meals should include a Rubik's-cube sized portion of carbs at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a deck of playing cards-sized portion of protein, a water bottle cap-sized portion of fat and a stack of three DVD's-sized portion of fruit and vegetables at each meal.

Raw Food Diet

It’s all about raw food. A daily diet should be made up of two thirds raw vegetables and one third meat (not pork), fish and dairy products. Uma Thurman and Demi Moore are believed to be fans. The idea is that raw food contains live enzymes which boost energy. These enzymes are destroyed during cooking. Eating raw vegetables also burns more calories than eating cooked vegetables.


Supermodel and mum-of-two Cindy Crawford still looks sensational at 44 and she puts it down to snacking during the day. Sensible snacks include fresh vegetable and fresh and dried fruitS, yoghurts and crispbreads with low-fat cheese.


Even the slimmest of stars treat themselves occasionally, and some claim regular "pig-outs" actually keep them on track. Cheryl Cole says staying slim doesn't have to mean she misses out on her favourite foods. "I usually do it on a Sunday,”she says. Scary Spice Mel B and Mischa Barton are fans od once-a-week treats Healthy eating is all about enjoying your food and having treats in moderation."

Under the knife

Gastric-band surgery involves putting a band around the top of the stomach, preventing part of it from being used, so you feel fuller. The band can be tightened or loosened. An alternative procedure is gastric bypass surgery (or stomach stapling) where part of the stomach is sealed off. With patients only able to eat small meals, weight loss is rapid. However, maintaining a steady weight afterwards can be more challenging as Sharon Osbourne discovered.

Vodka and Vinegar

Sienna Miller and Liz Hurley swap wine for vodka. One shot contains 55 calories, compared to 115 calories in a standard glass of wine. Megan Fox and Black Eyed Peas frontwoman Fergie both admit to guzzling vinegar to keep in peak condition. "It's just water and raw apple cider vinegar, and it cleans out your system," Megan Fox explains.


Catherine Zeta-Jones is a fan. All foods are given a WeightWatchers' points value based on their calorie and saturated-fat content. You can eat any food you like as long as you don't go over your daily points allowance (which is based on your age, weight and activity levels).

X Factor

Syndrome X, is a form of insulin resistance where sugar levels are raised. It's a pre-diabetic state and is linked to obesity and longterm health problems. The biggest indicator that you’re suffering from Syndrome X is a beer belly — as the roll of fat is believed to directly affect the liver and pancreas underneath. The cause is sugar in our diet, something the slimmest celebrities avoid like the plague. In training for her world tour, Britney Spears shed a stone by curbing her sweet tooth. Katie Holmes, Julia Roberts and Beyonce Knowles are believed to all have a sweet tooth, but keep a close eye on their sugar intake. Cut out sugar — in sweets, desserts, fizzy drinks and processed foods .


Stars are quick to fight the ageing process by eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids or taking fish oil supplements, which also helps them stay trim. Supermodel Elle Macpherson includes fish oil in her daily organic diet. Gwyneth Paltrow follows a diet rich in fish — avoiding meat . Oily fish is a fantastic source of omega-3 fats which plumps out the skin, minimising wrinkles and improving complexion. These essential fats also improve the body's ability to break down fat, helping you shift those pounds. Tuna, mackerel, salmon and herring are an ideal choice.


Irregular sleep is believed to set the metabolic functions off-kilter, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and vascular problems. Some stars like Penelope Cruz swear by eight hours of sleep. Lack of sleep causes imbalances in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control appetite and hunger. For the best night's sleep you should aim to get seven to eight hours of undisturbed zzzzzzs.

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Meditation is The Only Thing That Helped Me Deal With Sleepwalking, Says Sameera Reddy

"I love my sleep and get cranky if I don’t doze off for eight to nine hours every day. And I suffer from sleepwalking. It began at the age of six. I remember my parents telling me that I kept circling the dining table holding my pillow, dazedly. Thereafter it became a regular occurrence — I walked in my sleep twice or thrice a week", Says Sameera Reddy

• Unwelcome habit

I’d have no memory of my nocturnal adventures though my family and friends had a rollicking time narrating them. Apparently, I used to have long conversations, at times even shout out loud. These conversations weren’t gibberish, but clear dialogue about a subject.

Also there wasn’t any fixed time for my sleepwalking. It could be within a few minutes of hitting the sack or an hour or two. It would last from a few seconds to 30 minutes. I’d wake up, walk around and talk, then snap out of it and get back to bed! There were occasions when I sleep-walked about six times in a night!

When these stints became more frequent, my parents started getting worried, especially since we stayed on the ninth floor of the building. Once they saw me wake up and stand pretty close to the edge of my window ‘talking’ to my friends on the eighth floor! They then got my room barricaded.

However, during my sleepwalking, my parents never woke me as doing so can lead a person into a state of shock or increase his/her heart rate. You either let him/her complete the act or guide him/her to bed gently.

• The problem continues

This problem continued well into my teens and adulthood. I then noticed that it was during high-stress situations that I sleepwalked the most.

Needless to say, it led to several embarrassing and hilarious situations. In 2005 when I went to London for a show with Hrithik Roshan, Yana Gupta and others, I was a bit stressed about my performance. When I went to sleep that night, I remember opening my eyes and running out of the room. Suddenly a mental alarm went off and I awoke only to see the door shut! Dressed in my nightdress, it was embarrassing to awaken others to get help!

Similarly, during the shoot of One Two Three in Goa, I tried to walk out of the room in my sleep and was so frustrated when I couldn’t that I broke the door and wrenched the lock. I wonder where I got the strength from!

• Therapy time

It’s not as if I didn’t try to cure it. One expert said it’s a reflection of my sub-conscious. When something happens, I don’t experience or express that emotion immediately and tend to repress it. But my subconscious acts up later. It’s probably true for several times when I wake up and find that my eyes are wet!

When I was 10, my parents took me to a counsellor who said I should always be happy. In college too, my mum took me to a hypnotherapist but to no avail. Only homeopathy worked to some extent as it helped me calm down.

Sleepwalking treatment requires a holistic approach and the patient’s sleep history is analysed

• Spirituality’s the saviour

Finally, under the influence of my sister, I turned to meditation about four or five years back. I have done all the courses — Art of Living, Vipassana, Oneness University etc. Now I do my own breathing exercises and at any given time, I can get into a meditative trance.

Soon after I started meditating I felt my system get cleansed. Emotionally, I learnt to deal with weighty issues. In fact, I actually called up people who had hurt me in the past and forgave them and vice-versa.

Now I meditate every day before I sleep. I sit on my knees, express gratitude, gradually go over all the events of the day and maintain silence. Slowly I drift into sleep, put my head down as though I am crouching (known as child’s pose) and go into deep slumber.

The results have been pretty good. After I went to the Oneness University, for almost five months I didn’t sleepwalk. Even now it has reduced, though a couple of weeks ago I was back to my old self!

• Humour helps

Fortunately, it doesn’t bother me now and I have learned to laugh about it. But I have started taking a deeper interest in matters of mental wellbeing. Books such as Eckhar Tolle’s The Power of Now have hugely helped me exist in the present, conduct relationships properly and become more aware of myself. And I guess the kind of stress we face these days, particularly, in Bollywood, every effort counts!


Dr S Ramnathan Iyer, consultant physician-sleep medicine, at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, provides a few insights on sleepwalking.

There are two types of sleep: rapid eye movement and non-rapid eye movement sleep. Instability in the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) is the background on which sleepwalking or somnambulism — a disorder belonging to the parasomnia family — occurs.

The usual triggers are stress, anxiety, emotionally charged memories, fever, alcohol intake and sleep-deprivation. Some common diseases associated with sleepwalking are sleep disorder breathing or obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and period leg movement syndrome.

In extreme cases, it can cause injury, especially if the activities are violent (agitated). Here a patient may harm others or her/himself, cause accidents, etc. But the acts can also be mumbling or talking during sleep.