Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Exercise and Diet Required to Prevent Alzheimer Desease

Shut Alzheimer’s out in your 20s:

With the brain disorder kicking in as early as the 40s, experts tell us what changes to make to our lifestyles to start combating it early. How to Prevent Alzheimer desease from occuring. Diet and Exercise routine to follow to stop it. Read on to know how yoga, sports and the right foods can help fight Alzheimer Desease.

Alzheimer’s disease was brought to the forefront by Amitabh Bachchan’s character in the movie Black

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease surface later in life, but the silent damage begins when you are young. Furthermore, a growing number of people in their 40s and 50s are being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. And because medication is still in the premature stages of development, the best way to avoid the disease is to take charge early. Fitness expert Nuri Khan, proprietor of Studio 5 Fitness centre, fitness consultant and educator Dilip Heble, and wellness coach Vinod Nair tell you what to do.


• Yoga is not merely an exercise, but as fitness experts say, a way of life. Unlike other workouts that only stretch your muscles, yoga stretches your organs as well. Many asanas aid blood circulation in the body (including the brain) and even the regular Pranayamas will go a long way in reducing risk of Alzheimer’s.

• Sign up for sports such as tennis. Running on a treadmill is a no brainer; sports require a lot of concentration. And a high concentration level helps keep your mind agile.

• Water aerobics is like normal aerobics, the only difference being that one stands in four-foot deep water while exercising. Firstly, it reduces pressure on joints and takes away the monotony from a workout. Also, the water helps calm the mind.

Water power

Your brain needs a high level of water to function optimally; dehydration spells trouble in the long run. A word of caution: do not wait to till you get thirsty. If you’re not thirsty, the body is already dehydrated.


A study conducted by researchers at the Brain Research Centre at Canada’s University of British Columbia proved that low levels of oxygen are connected to the risk of Alzheimer’s. The study proved that oxygen deficiency hastens the death of brain’s cells, putting the person at an increased risk. Hence, avoid shallow breathing. Over time, it turns into a habit and one doesn’t even realise that (s)he isn’t breathing normally. Take deep breaths to keep the oxygen supply running.

Watch our for diabetes

Different health issues don’t exist in water-tight compartments and an incorrect lifestyle can manifest itself in various disorders at different stages. One such relationship presented by researchers at the 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders in Spain is between diabetes and Alzheimer’s. While the statistics confirm a link, how exactly are the two connected is yet to be fully understood. A possibility is that diabetes causes accumulation of blood sugar in the brain causing damage to the brain cells. Bottom line: Take note of what you eat and keep sugar levels low.

Iron, Phosphorus, zinc

The three elements, when included in everyday diet, aid proper brain functioning and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Sunflower seeds, peas, broccoli, banana, eggs, dairy products, whole-grain cereals, spinach, soy etc. are rich sources. You may also stock up on fruit and vegetable juices as a study published in The American Journal of Medicine claimed that three glasses of juice per week helps cut down the risk of Alzheimer’s by almost 75 per cent.

Veg is better

Non-vegetarian food, when eaten in moderation, is healthy. In fact, fish is considered the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial for the brain’s health. Reason why many health experts stress on vegetarian food is owing to the poor quality of meat that’s largely available in the market. Animals are often fed nothing but garbage and bred under extremely stressful conditions, and when we eat them, we willingly take on the adverse effects. It harms our system, and our brain.

Tea and coffee

A study conducted at the University of Kuopio, Finland followed up 1409 individuals for a period of 21 years and established that coffee and tea consumption brings down the risk of Alzheimer’s.

The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. So take that daily cup of chai/coffee a lot more seriously.

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