Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Exercise and Diet Required to Prevent Alzheimer Desease

Shut Alzheimer’s out in your 20s:

With the brain disorder kicking in as early as the 40s, experts tell us what changes to make to our lifestyles to start combating it early. How to Prevent Alzheimer desease from occuring. Diet and Exercise routine to follow to stop it. Read on to know how yoga, sports and the right foods can help fight Alzheimer Desease.

Alzheimer’s disease was brought to the forefront by Amitabh Bachchan’s character in the movie Black

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease surface later in life, but the silent damage begins when you are young. Furthermore, a growing number of people in their 40s and 50s are being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. And because medication is still in the premature stages of development, the best way to avoid the disease is to take charge early. Fitness expert Nuri Khan, proprietor of Studio 5 Fitness centre, fitness consultant and educator Dilip Heble, and wellness coach Vinod Nair tell you what to do.


• Yoga is not merely an exercise, but as fitness experts say, a way of life. Unlike other workouts that only stretch your muscles, yoga stretches your organs as well. Many asanas aid blood circulation in the body (including the brain) and even the regular Pranayamas will go a long way in reducing risk of Alzheimer’s.

• Sign up for sports such as tennis. Running on a treadmill is a no brainer; sports require a lot of concentration. And a high concentration level helps keep your mind agile.

• Water aerobics is like normal aerobics, the only difference being that one stands in four-foot deep water while exercising. Firstly, it reduces pressure on joints and takes away the monotony from a workout. Also, the water helps calm the mind.

Water power

Your brain needs a high level of water to function optimally; dehydration spells trouble in the long run. A word of caution: do not wait to till you get thirsty. If you’re not thirsty, the body is already dehydrated.


A study conducted by researchers at the Brain Research Centre at Canada’s University of British Columbia proved that low levels of oxygen are connected to the risk of Alzheimer’s. The study proved that oxygen deficiency hastens the death of brain’s cells, putting the person at an increased risk. Hence, avoid shallow breathing. Over time, it turns into a habit and one doesn’t even realise that (s)he isn’t breathing normally. Take deep breaths to keep the oxygen supply running.

Watch our for diabetes

Different health issues don’t exist in water-tight compartments and an incorrect lifestyle can manifest itself in various disorders at different stages. One such relationship presented by researchers at the 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders in Spain is between diabetes and Alzheimer’s. While the statistics confirm a link, how exactly are the two connected is yet to be fully understood. A possibility is that diabetes causes accumulation of blood sugar in the brain causing damage to the brain cells. Bottom line: Take note of what you eat and keep sugar levels low.

Iron, Phosphorus, zinc

The three elements, when included in everyday diet, aid proper brain functioning and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Sunflower seeds, peas, broccoli, banana, eggs, dairy products, whole-grain cereals, spinach, soy etc. are rich sources. You may also stock up on fruit and vegetable juices as a study published in The American Journal of Medicine claimed that three glasses of juice per week helps cut down the risk of Alzheimer’s by almost 75 per cent.

Veg is better

Non-vegetarian food, when eaten in moderation, is healthy. In fact, fish is considered the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids that are crucial for the brain’s health. Reason why many health experts stress on vegetarian food is owing to the poor quality of meat that’s largely available in the market. Animals are often fed nothing but garbage and bred under extremely stressful conditions, and when we eat them, we willingly take on the adverse effects. It harms our system, and our brain.

Tea and coffee

A study conducted at the University of Kuopio, Finland followed up 1409 individuals for a period of 21 years and established that coffee and tea consumption brings down the risk of Alzheimer’s.

The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. So take that daily cup of chai/coffee a lot more seriously.

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Straighten Your Eye Squint - How to Treat a Squint on Time

Frequent eye turns can be a nuisance. Learn How to Treat your squint Eye on time!

Squint or strabismus is cross-eyes.It is defined as a condition in which the eyes deviate (turn) when looking at a particular object.Eye doctors generally look for the presence of a strabismus when looking at: distance (20 feet or more); near (16 inches for an adult and 13 inches for a child); lateral and vertical directions (up, down, left, or right).

When the eye turn occurs all the time, it is called constant strabismus. When it occurs only some time, it is called intermittent strabismus.With intermittent strabismus, the eye turn might be observed only occasionally, such as during stressful situations or when the person is ill. The timing and type of treatment depend on the type of condition.

How common is this disorder?

It is a common eye problem, especially in children. However, it is also known to occur in adults. It is seen in three-five per cent of normal population. It can occur due to a variety of causes, such as hereditary, muscle weakness, poor vision, or any disease occurring within the eye, such as cataract in children.

When should one suspect it?

I The most important sign is when eyes are not positioned straight. When a child turns his face or tilts head to see in a particular direction. I Closes one eye in bright sunlight.

What happens if untreated?

Amblyopia (lazy eye) is a gradual deterioration of vision in an otherwise normal eye. The risk is greater in children below 10 years of age. Once the eye becomes lazy, it tends to be irreversible, unless intervened appropriately.

How does squint correction help?

Straightens the eyes (cosmetic), restores vision, preserves binocularity (To use both eyes simultaneously).

Treatment - What is the treatment For squint

It is a medical term for the eye muscle training programs. Orthoptics treat muscle problems only in regard to strength and is usually done using a special machine called the synaptophore. Customarily, all squint patients, especially those whose axis of deviation is not too much, are given a trial of exercises.

Squint surgery is reserved for those whose angle of deviation is great or those who have had a trial of exercises and found inadequate improvement.

(Inputs from Dr Keiki Mehta, Mumbai-based ophthalmologist) - Source: TOI

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

How to Get The Rani Mukherjee and Lindsay Lohan, Messy Bed-Head Look With Tumbling Hair Locks

At a recent music launch, Rani Mukherjee showed up in a more sedate version of the messy bed-head do. After years of ironing and rebonding hair into submission, the recent trend of relaxed, wavy hair is refreshing. And the best part is, it's completely DIY.

Rani Mukherjee at a recent music launch

All you need to do to transform your limp tresses into Rani and Lindsay Lohan’s tumbling locks is work some conditioner into your hair, plait it and go to sleep. Open them up in the morning to get this gorgeous mess.

Lindsay Lohan

Shilpa Shetty's Beauty Essentials: My Body & I


What is your beauty routine?
In the morning, I splash warm then cold water on my face and apply moisturiser and eye cream. At night, I cleanse with a home-made remedy: olive oil, Johnson’s Baby Oil and Bio-Oil, which I massage in and remove with a hot face cloth.

Your make-up bag heroes?
Mac liquid eyeliner, Chanel foundation, Clinique powder, Mac mascara and Estée Lauder lipstick.

Desert island essentials?
Clinique sunscreen, right. As I live in India, the higher SPF the better – I try to use SPF50.

What beauty secrets has your mother passed on to you?
Never use soap on your face – it’s the worst thing for it. She also advocated the ‘less is more’ rule, so I don’t overload my skin with products.

Who is your beauty icon?
Madonna. She has made the best of herself every step of the way.

Would you have plastic surgery?
I don’t need it right now. I don’t want to be judgmental; have it if you feel you need it, but do your research, go to the right person and don’t become addicted.


What makes you feel glamorous?
A blow-dry – and Donna Karan clothes are wonderful.

Your favourite fragrances?
I switch between Esteé Lauder Pleasures and Dolce & Gabbana.


How do you keep fit?
I practise yoga. It is the most holistic way to keep fit, as it works with your body and soul. I also find it calming.

A tip for body confidence?
If you want to change how you look, it requires dedication, so start today – even if it is simply walking to work or improving your diet. Understand the value of being fit, rather than simply looking good – that will follow.

Do you have body treatments?
I’m a spa junkie and usually go for a deep-tissue massage. When I was in London, I had a great one at Harrods’ Urban Retreat [tel: 020 7893 8333], and I’ll always remember the one I had in Tanzania at the Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski Hotel.


Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Both. I live to eat, but eat to live healthily. It is all about balance – if I eat heavily in the day, I have a light dinner.

Tea or coffee?
I’m a green tea-aholic – it’s a great antioxidant.

Do you take vitamins?
I take calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and a Centrum multivitamin each morning. I have a break every few weeks to give my system a rest.

What keeps you going through the day?
I have two eggs for breakfast if I’ve got a busy day ahead.


How do you relax?
I watch TV with my sister. I love Friends, Sex and the City and Heroes. And a hot ten-minute shower is the ultimate relaxer.

What self-help books have inspired you?
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson. It shows you how easy it is to improve
your life.

Your ultimate great escape?
Switching off my phone so that I’m unavailable – although this is practically impossible as I love to talk. And London; it’s a home from home.

What is your feel-good philosophy?
I’m pretty practical really. I make myself believe things happen for a reason.
Shilpa stars in Desire, which will be shown at the Cannes Film Festival; see


» Johnson’s Baby Oil, $4.64 for 591 ml, available on

» Bio-Oil, $10.53 for 60ml, available at

» Chanel Vitalumière foundation, $45.99 for 30ml at Available of

» Mac Liquid Eyeliner in Boot Black, $20.10 available of


» Clinique Stay-Matte Pressed Powder, $22.00 on

» Sun-Care UV-Response Body Cream SPF50, $22.00 at

» Estée Lauder Pure Color Long Lasting Lipstick in Rose Tea and Crystal Rose, available for $9.00 on

» Pleasures by Estée Lauder eau de parfum, $52.00 at

» Dolce & Gabbana eau de parfum.


Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Karate Has Several Physical and Mental Health Benefits

That karate is one of the best forms of self-defence and fitness needs no elaboration. However, the martial art form is also an excellent means of selfdevelopment with several physical and mental health benefits that have rarely been highlighted. What’s more you do not need to be a master or have years of practice to experience its benefits. Just sign up for a class once a week at a centre near you and learn the callisthenic drills, stretching exercises, basics of attack, block, punch and kicks. 12-14 sessions of an hour or two each in a month are good enough to get you on the road to health.


Karate has a number of callisthenic drills (warm up moves) that loosen up your body and act as stress busters. To understand how they work, know these three aspects:
» Kihon: Techniques of moving forward, backward, sideward and various postures
» Kata: Imaginary fight sequences in which a person is surrounded by enemies and has to counter-attack using various stances
» Kumite: The lessons of kihon and kata are combined but they are executed with an opponent.

These three aspects not only sharpen your skills, reflexes and your ability to cope with stress during a fight or combat situation, but also aid you in everyday tasks.

For instance in kata, you learn to make split-second decisions on when to fight, punch or block. Over a period, these movements help you be more in control of your reflexes, keep your mind cool and increase your decision-making ability.



This martial art is a great exercise for asthmatics as the movements involve a lot of inhalation and exhalation. In kata, during an attack, one needs to exhale correctly as the power goes from your body to that of the opponent’s.

On the contrary, if you are blocking an attacker, you need to inhale properly in order to absorb the opponent’s strength. This inhalation and exhalation increases lung capacity. It’s believed that if you do kata 10 times, it’s equivalent to 10 kms of jogging. Once you practise the moves, they can also be performed in a confined space, say at home or in your office.

Kata is beneficial for asthmatics who can practise them under a doctor’s guidance as these movements help lessen their burden on the inhaler. Mild asthma can be controlled and possibly cured too with these exercises.


Karate helps restore the balance to metabolism rates. Just in the case of any other form of exercise, when you train, toxins are flushed out as you tend to sweat a lot. Moreover, since lung capacity improves, your immunity against viral diseases such as coughs and colds increases too. Now this is something which you can do with, this malaria season.

More importantly, since karate works on your mind, it boosts your mental ability to deal with illnesses. Visualisation plays a big role in karate and it helps develop a positive attitude against diseases.


The calisthenic drills stretch the joints to the maximum. Practising karate for a long time makes your body lean and supple and can add a few centimetres to your height.


Certain kata movements and the drills that emphasise on stretching and maintaining the balance of the spine help cure minor back pain problems. But to get the maximum benefits, one must train regularly for at least six months.


Certain katas concentrate solely on breathing while power and focus are secondary. These can help people with high blood pressure bring their BP to normal levels.


Those with mild joint pains find karate very useful, especially stances that strengthen particular joints and reduce the burden on others. For example, a popular stance is one where one knee is bent to a side shifting the weight of the body to it. This reduces pressure on the other knee.

The best thing about karate is that you don’t need to be the right age or weight to start learning karate. The only criteria needed? A bit of discipline and regular practise. The movements and exercise take care of the rest.

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Ready, Steady... DIET !!! - A Few Celeb Ladies Talk About Their Diet Tips

A few celeb ladies talk about their diet tips!

Pooja Bedi: Eat EVERYTHING! And then... work out, work out, work out!

Nicolette Bird: There’s gonna be loads of sweets, so go for it in limited amounts and make sure you’re on a treadmill the next day taking it all out!

Lubna Adams: Lots of watermelon juice through the day. Avoid fried stuff and down lots of water with khus or jal jeera.

Anju Taraporewala: Who diets with all the yummy goodies everywhere?? My only advice would be to enjoy everything... in moderation.

Queenie Dhody: Kalakand and gulab jamun! Haha!

Rashmi Uday Singh: Every day is Diwali for me. I have found that instead of dieting, if I drink lots of vegetable juices it really helps. Also I turn vegetarian for a couple of weeks. It’s a great way to detox.

Sharmila Khanna: The best would be to avoid carbs and desserts and do a lot of yoga and walking. But I’d be a lot thinner if I could avoid desserts!

Priya Kishore: I have a secret theory, that you can lose weight by sleeping!

Jesse Randhawa: Punjabi parathas with makkhan for breakfast and skimmed milk for dinner!

Bhavna Pandey: I’m the worst person to take tips from but the best is to enjoy and eat sweets in moderation; and then work your butt off the next day!

Gayatri Joshi: Don’t drink too much, have light dinners, resist the mithais and go on a detox diet post heavy meals.

Raageshwari Loomba: For the coming season, I’m ‘dieting’; and by that I mean I will ‘die eating’!

Deanne Pandey: Be careful about what you eat. Nowadays a lot of sweets are made that are low-cal and low-fat. People with a sweet tooth should be just a little wary and not use this season as an excuse to gorge unhealthily. Mithais can be made with sweeteners and skimmed milk and these are just as yummy!

Dance, Swim and Jog for Mental and Physical Well-Being: Dipannita Sharma

Fitness is about looking good, but more importantly it’s about feeling good. “Fitness means mental and physical well-being. Fitness is about looking good, but more importantly it’s about feeling good! It also means glowing skin and feeling good from within. Beauty is something that speaks of good health and an inner radiance that shines through.

Dancing her way to fitness

I am blessed with a slim figure and weight has never been an issue. I am not the kind who is fond of exercising in gym. I feel fitness has to be a pleasurable experience. For three months at a stretch, every year, I workout at a gym regularly. I am fond of dancing and I believe that’s best of form exercise. Currently, I am learning Latin ballroom dance, earlier I attended Latin Bhangra classes. Dancing works your muscles and you lose inches.

I have also learnt Tai chi and I practice it at home. It not only relieves stress, but also creates an inner peace. When you are at peace with yourself, you are in touch with yourself and then can lead life to the fullest .The basic objective of tai chi is to increase awareness of energy in the body. It is the mother of all martial arts and believes not only in self-defence but in the cultivation of energy and peace of mind.

Combine Swimming with Evening Jogs

Whenever I feel a little overweight the best thing to do is hit the swimming pool. I find gym workouts too mechanical. Swimming not only provides a full body workout but it also has a therapeutic effect on me. I try to combine that with evening jogs and a little care in terms of diet.There are times when I omit fried or sweets entirely from my diet. For all those who want to look gorgeous and fit stay away from desserts at least a month. Team that with a jog and swim and you're sure to look great.


I am a non-vegetarian, I believe in eating everything in moderation. I start my day with a glass of water. I drink lots of water through out the day, as water is very essential for the skin regeneration. Then I have tea a cup of tea. Breakfast is toast, egg and sometimes pan cake. I have two proper meals in a day. I cut down calories of one meal and gorge on the other. I am a rice eater and for lunch I eat rice, dal, fish curry or chicken. In the evenings, I have rotis and chicken or dal. I avoid red meat. I love fried food but I consciously avoid it. I eat sweets once in while.


I love music and it’s my favorite way to beat stress. Also, I am fond of reading and watching movies. After marriage, my hubby and I enjoy traveling to exotic places, which is great fun and a perfect way to unwind.


For me, spirituality is about taking out time for myself and focusing all my thoughts into one particular thing. I make sure I get at least 15 to 20 minutes of that 'me time' everyday. I prefer to analyse my actions and know myself better. I am not into rituals at all, though I do pray daily. When I go to Assam, my home, I do visit temple of Khamakhya Devi as I find lot of peace there.”

Arjan Bajwa Practices Martial Arts and is a Black Belt in Taekwando

I begin my day with:
A light workout at home and a few minutes of meditation. I try and do a little bit of neck exercises the moment I get out bed. It takes out all the stiffness I may have from sleeping in the wrong posture.

Breakfast is:
A bowl of muesli and fresh juice followed by a cup of tea and some toast. Eggs are mostly a part of my breakfast in boiled or half fried form.

When I am shooting:
I lunch on oil-free food. If there is a nice cafeteria around it's a blessing in disguise. I like to order from Subway.

Dinner is:
Light, salads and soups. If I feel hungry in the night I binge on muesli.

My fitness regimen consists of:
Weight-training and cardio at least four to five days a week. Apart from that I'm into martial arts. I am a black belt in Taekwando.

I hate:
Anything spicy. I like milk products but the smell of certain types of cheese puts me off.

When I am shooting I always carry:
Premixed coffee sachets as I like my coffee mostly dark and strong. Coffee served on the sets is mostly doodh mein coffee. Thankfully there are a lot of cafes around now.

Sunday lunch is mostly:
Sinfully rich parathas or pastas. It is the one day I stuff myself and don't worry about how my face will look the next morning.

In my fridge you'll always find:
Red wine, mint chutney, milk, olives and barbeque sauce. I know some are all sinful but that's why I have them stocked. I like to store nuts and biscuits in the fridge as they remain fresh and crunchy.

Click here for Recipe of Arjan Bajwa's Favourite Dish - Tandoori Fish

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

Simple Make-up Tips to Keep You Looking Fresh and Attractive at all Times

Beauty SOS - Here are simple make-up tips to keep you looking fresh and attractive at all times

Channel your beauty regime to look great in a matter of minutes. It is all about refining your make-up technique.


Start with a moisturiser that has a built-in foundation. Make-up expert Cory Walia says, “Use products that do double duty. Mineral make-up is the best for that Use a mineral make-up base powder. It effectively covers pigmentation and unevenness. Carry it around in your purse for whenever you need it. With this as a base, apply a nice thick line of eyeliner on your upper eyelid, and apply shimmery lip-gloss for a quick make-up fix for your face.”


If dark circles are an issue, here’s how you can look alive after a long night. First soothe your fatigued eyes by pressing cool chamomile tea bags or chilled cucumber slices over them. Then, massage in a base foundation and apply concealer on the dark circles. Use a light brush or your fingers to smoothen it out. Says hair and make-up expert Ruhi Bindra, “Use a nice under-eye cream and make sure that you use waterproof eye make-up, specially during the rain, as you don’t want your mascara streaking down your cheeks.”


For that luscious pout, all you need is a good plumping fix. Line your lips a little outside your natural lip line and fill in with lipstick. “Use lip tints that not only colour, but moisturise as well. Lighter shades of lipstick will make your lips look bigger. Don’t use very creamy lipstick, as there are chances of it bleeding. Use red lipstick for instant glamour. Finish with dotting lipgloss in the centre on your lower lip for that bee-stung effect,” says Ruhi.


If your skin looks lacklustre, use a loofah in the shower to get rid of those dead skin cells. And naturally healthy and glowing skin, is the best make-up, says Cory. “Exfoliate your skin often, and with time the skin texture and tone will improve. Apply a shimmery body lotion all over to instantly brighten your complexion. Always use a foundation which is closest to your skin tone. Do not overdo the mascara and kajal part. You can finish off with a bronzer for that delicious, sun-kissed look,” adds Cory.


Apply a tinted moisturiser over your fresh, clean face.

Eyes: Line your upper lid with a black, brown or dark blue eyeliner to make your peepers look bright. Brush some luminous shadow over your lid and finish off with black mascara to open up your eyes even more.

Cheeks: Dust some rouge or bronzer over your cheek bones to define and bring out the angles in your face.

Lips: Put on a lipstick that matches your dress, or simply use a shiny clear gloss to let your natural lip colour show. Apply gloss right in the centre of your mouth to give the impression of fuller, plumper lips.

DAB IT: Touch up your face every time it feels greasy

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Rapid-Fire Fitness With Tusshar Kapoor

The best medicine?

An apple a day...
Is a good supplement for a meal.

Sibling rivalry healthy or unhealthy?
Healthy to a point. And unhealthy if taken beyond that.

Like father like son or like sister like brother?
Like father like son.

If Popeye is to spinach, Tusshar Kapoor is to?

The best way to shed flab?
Cut out desserts.

Skip breakfast or skip dinner?
Skip dinner.

One vice that you'd like to quit?
I don't have any vices that I think I need to quit. I've quit rice, though.

If you were Gayab for a day you would...
Find out who my true friends are and where my true love lies.

Health or wealth?

Kareena Kapoor Beauty Facts For the "No Make-Up" Look

The monsoon is the perfect time to experiment with make-up. Ditch the heavy eye shadows and the bright lip colours and opt for the rain-kissed look instead

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor recently confession that she looks her best sans make-up. Turns out the famous vegetarian might have more than her peaches-and-cream complexion and stress-free life working in her favour.

Here are three tips and tricks for those looking to recreate that fresh-faced look:

For the face:
Foundation and concealer are crucial when opting for the "no make-up" look. Wash your face with a cleanser and pat dry. Smooth a little concealer under the eyes and over blemishes. Most women make the mistake of opting for foundation several shades lighter than their natural skin tone, given our obsession with fair skin. The trick, according to make-up experts, is to actually get one shade darker than your skin tone. Apply a few dabs of foundation on the forehead, cheeks and the chin. Gently spread the foundation, using fingertips and pat with a sponge for a smooth finish.

For the eyes:
Ditch the black eyeliner, instead make mascara your friend. Make sure you invest in one that's waterproof to ensure you don't have those ugly streaks weeping down the side of your face when it rains.

For the lips:
Lighter skins can opt for nude lipstick shades with pink tints in them. Lip shades with red tints or browns are better suited to darker skins. Start by lining the lips with a nude liner and then fill in with colour. Add a dash of clear gloss over lips for a radiant look.

Final touch:
Lightly dust on some illuminator over cheekbones using a blush brush, and voila, you're good to go!

Buy Books Written By Kareena's Dietician Rujuta Divekar
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Stress Can Throw Menstrual Cycle Off Track, a Holistic Lifestyle Can Help

Stress cramping your style? Dr Kiran Coelho talks about how stress throws the menstrual cycle off track and how a holistic lifestyle can help

Recently, Dr Kiran Coelho, senior gynaecologist, met a patient who had a severe problem with her menstrual cycle. She went into amenorrhea, which essentially means that she had no periods for six to eight months. She was going through a stressful time with her boyfriend. Desperately wanting to lose weight, the girl developed an aversion to food and suffered from anorexia nervosa. Having prescribed basic yoga exercises, a planned diet and meditation, she gained 10 kilos without any medication. She regained her self-esteem and came to terms with the end of her relationship.

Whether it’s exams, job or relationship related, there is an established link between stress and the menstrual cycle. If your periods are irregular or you’ve started skipping them, there is a cause for alarm.

Stress affects the thyroid gland, which is the conductor of the orchestra of the human body. When the thyroid gland is affected, it results in either frequent or irregular periods or heavy bleeding or amenorrhea. In fact, the first sign of thyroid imbalance is irregular periods.


To understand where things go wrong, you should know how it works first:

» There is a finely tuned balance between a higher centre in the brain, the pituitary gland and the ovaries
» The higher centre has a releasing factor that acts on the pituitary gland, which produces a hormone
» The hormone orders an egg in the ovary to ripen
» Once the egg reaches 2 cm, it sends a smoke signal to the brain
» The brain sends marching orders for the egg to release.

If all this doesn’t work with military precision, then there is an imbalance in the body. The thyroid gland is also connected to the pituitary gland. The periods become irregular or stop showing up. If the egg doesn’t rupture, it accumulates in the ovary and ovulation doesn’t occur. Bad news.

This pile up of eggs that refuse to leave home leads to polycystic syndrome. One in five girls in the reproductive age group suffers from this. That isn’t the end of the problems though. The unripe egg is yet to unleash its fury. It produces male hormones which cause acne, weight gain and loss of hair on the scalp. And you can happily, and correctly, blame all this on stress. While it’s easy to moan about a busy schedule, ignoring the alarm signals can lead to severe repercussions. Take a firm decision to step back, smell the roses and calm down.


The first thing that a doctor prescribes to her patients is a holistic lifestyle change. With discipline and commitment, it is possible to be problem-free within three to six months, depending on the severity. This includes a change in diet, a pumped up exercise plan and setting a regular sleep pattern. In fact, for adolescent girls, a lifestyle change is more important than giving hormones. The only time a girl is given hormones is if she suffers from severe bleeding or gross hirsutism and acne.

Here are the few steps you can take:

» Orchestrate a lifestyle change before resorting to medication
» Avoid self-medication, only painkillers for spasms are safe
» Avoid excessive salt and sugar
» Follow a Satvik diet (or Yogic diet) — it includes food that is basic and cooked using minimal heat. Without extensive processing, the food retains its natural form. Cow’s milk is the most complete and nourishing Satvik food, onion, garlic, red chillies and black pepper and other pungent and astringent spices are prohibited. Eat sprouts and green vegetables
» Exercise releases serotonin, a feel good hormone. A brisk walk for 30 minutes, five days a week will do the trick.
» Equip your mind to fight stress with meditation, pranayams and Vipassana. Follow this and your periods will become regular.

Dr Coelho, who deals with infertility, says 30 per cent of her patients suffer from sub-fertility or difficulty in conceiving. Of these, 80 per cent have polycystic syndrome and are stress related. They respond very well to the lifestyle change. They shed weight, have planned intercourse and conceive within a few months.

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Excessive Workouts and Over-Training Can Lead To Severe Health Problems

... Stop Before It’s Too Late

Workout-aholic filmi hunk John Abraham, who is skipping gym workouts and exhaustive training due to muscle fatigue, knows what it is to suffer a sports injury. Hottie Katrina Kaif does too, she is reportedly in bed after injuring her neck while working out. So far, stories of stars working towards acquiring washboard flat abs and a six-pack have always sent aspiring wannabes to the gyms to get those envious cuts and curves. But the ill-effects of excessive gymming will hopefully alert gymmers to the downside of excessive gymming.

John Abraham pumping 140 lbs dumbells in the gym

Gym-related injuries, say health experts and trainers, have after all become fairly common. Sports medicine specialist Dr Ameet Pispati says that he’s been witnessing an increase in the number of patients suffering gym-related injuries. “These days, everyone wants a well-chiselled body. It’s almost an obsession for them. For this, they are not only exercising, but overexercising and pushing their bodies to extreme levels without spending enough time to let their muscles recuperate or rest. As a result, they suffer from early burn-outs in the form of muscle fatigue. If it’s as serious as a muscle tear, only surgery can help.” Rehabilitation specialist, Dr Aashish Contractor adds that it’s important that people listen to their bodies. “Chronic injuries or over-use syndromes are a common fallout of rigorous over-training that result from repetitive use, stress and trauma to the soft tissues of the body. People push themselves beyond their body’s capabilities, and that results in muscular-skeletal injuries in the long-run. Intensity violation, where gymmers work out for more time than prescribed is also a common cause.” Fitness expert Nawaz Modi Singhania agrees. “People are succumbing to the pressures of looking good. They set unrealistic goals for themselves and then set out on gruelling exercise regimes. The usual problem is that if a trainer asks them to work out for 20 minutes, they try and double it to achieve faster results. They do not realise that the energy required for this high-intensity workout is not pulled from their body fat beyond a certain point, but from the muscles. Hence, instead of feeling refreshed, they will feel tired and drained of energy — indicators that something about the workout is not right,” she says.

Back pain, frozen shoulder, joint ache and feeling sore are some of the signs that one should pay heed to. But according to trainers, people often ignore their own body’s needs, and continue to push it even when their body sends out signals telling them to stop. This is a point echoed by clinical fitness specialist Namita Jain. “Too much, too soon is what they want and they pay a heavy price for it. Apart from pushing their bodies to the extremes, they do not compensate it with proper rest and most importantly, adequate diet. They go on high-protein diets, ignoring carbohydrates completely. Carbohydrate intake has to be maintained, otherwise it will accelerate the burn-out process of the body.” Namita also emphasises on the importance of working out under a well-trained fitness instructor. “Anyone who promises quick results should be totally avoided,” she adds.

The ill-effects of excessive gymming are more prominent in women, who may even suffer from hormonal imbalances. “Women often compromise when it comes to their diet and that in the long run can cause irreversible damage,” adds Nawaz.

Acquiring a well-toned fit body depends on several factors like an individual’s body type, lifestyle, food habits, work pressures, the intensity of workouts, the type of workouts and their duration. And in a bid to get sculpted bods, people often overlook these very vital elements.


- A muscle soreness that lasts for more than 24 hours

- Any acute or sudden pain in the muscle

- Difficulty in lifting weights, which you could have easily done earlier

- Any pain in the joints while running on the treadmill or on the stepper

- Extreme fatigue and feeling of exhaustion

- Irritability

- Change in sleeping and eating patterns

- Unsteady pulse

- (In women) Irregular menstruation cycle

- Frozen shoulder or stiffness in limbs

- Backache, especially lower back

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Let Your Blood Type Decide Your Diet, Its a Favourite Among Hollywood Celebs

Tired of different diets? Follow the blood type diet, a favourite among Hollywood celebrities. Allow your Blood Type Decide what you eat.

Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy follows the Blood Type diet to maintain her fitness

The blood group diet has long been the diet secret of many enviable Hollywood stars' bodies — now Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy admits she is a fan too. "My mum told me about Eat Right For Your Type, which shows you what to eat and what to avoid depending on your blood type," she said in a recent interview. "It's made such a difference to my energy levels. Now I believe in it 100 per cent." Other followers swear it works when it comes to shedding fat, boosting energy and even preventing illness.


Each blood type evolved at a different point in history so we should adopt diets similar to those our ancestors had when our blood group evolved. By eating foods that your personal blood type can easily digest, you will lose weight, feel healthier and be happier.


O is the oldest blood group, so people with this type feel best and stay slimmest on a 'hunter' type diet like our ancestors. Os tend to be high achievers with lots of energy and are very organised.

Drop a dress size: Follow a high-protein diet — being vegetarian will mean you're always hungry and snack on carbs, causing problems with blood sugar and metabolism.

Foods to eat freely: Lean meats, fish.

Foods to avoid: Too much dairy or carbs.

Personal exercise plan: An hour of cardio a day and workout in the morning rather than the evening. Jogging, cycling, swimming or brisk walking are also perfect.

No blood type epitomises the ‘everything in moderation’ expression more than B. It evolved at a time when people travelled more, so meat, vegetables and grains were eaten in a more balanced way. You have a strong, healthy constitution and tend to be very down-to-earth and practical.

Drop a dress size: Combining the O and A diet — a bit of everything. Lucky type Bs generally find it easiest to lose weight.

Foods to eat freely: Meat, fish, coffee, vegetables and wheat-free grains.

Foods to avoid: Processed foods.

Personal exercise plan: You're drawn to moderate exercise, which uses your brain as well as your body. Team sports such as netball or dancing classes, two to three times a week are perfect.

This blood group evolved later than O, when people farmed more than hunted, so you need less protein and more grains. Group As tend to be highly creative, good problem-solvers and can be very sensitive.

Drop a dress size: Eat less meat and more vegetables, wholemeal carbs. Foods to eat freely: Nuts, seeds, cereals, pasta, fruit and vegetables.

Foods to avoid: Dairy if prone to allergies, too much meat.

Personal exercise plan: Group As are often less active than Os, needing just 30 minutes of gentle exercise a day. Yoga, Tai Chi, walking and an outdoor lifestyle suit As best.

A combination of types A and B, you have dietary components of both and can eat just about anything. ABs have a canny knack of being creative, having a good head for business and getting on with people.

Drop a dress size: Avoid too much meat. Pack your diet with vegetarian foods and treat meat as a treat.

Foods to eat freely: Fish, vegetables, carbs and grains.

Foods to avoid: Too much meat.

Personal exercise plan: Mix it up by appealing to your calm side with yoga or Pilates once a week and a couple of sessions of something more intense such as light jogging.


These stars followed a blood group diet and got themselves in shape

• Demi Moore, 47, found the weight stayed off when she switched to a blood type diet.

• Liz Hurley, 45, and her former boyfriend Hugh Grant are said to share a fondness for the diet as a weight-loss strategy.

• Courteney Cox-Arquette, 46, who shed pounds after the birth of her daughter is also said to be a fan.
'Eat Right For Your Type' Book available on Get Details >>

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Shilpa Shetty Launches a New Weight Loss Programme Called 'Inch Loss Wrap' at her Spa, Iosis

Bollywood diva Shilpa Shetty and Cosmetologist Kiran Bawa demonstrated the unique Inch Loss Wrap (ILW) system introduced by their spa IOSIS MediSpa. IOSIS is the only spa in India, which will offer this non-invasive service at their centers in Khar, Ghatkopar and Andheri.

Shilpa Shetty at the Launch of 'Inch Loss Wrap' at her spa, Iosis, on Thursday, 8th July 2010.

Shilpa informs “During my travels abroad, I came across this unique system of inch loss, which impressed me no end. Having tried it myself, I was amazed at the results and resolved to introduce it in India. The system was combined with our existing weight loss program, and a study was conducted on its efficacy. After suitable R&D, The Inch Loss Wrap was soft launched at the Khar and Ghatkopar centres of IOSIS. The results have been phenomenal and we are very proud to offer it to our esteemed clientele.”

Dr. Sushant Shetty, COO – IOSIS Medispa adds, “The wrap is scientifically proven and absolutely safe for the Body. The Inch Loss Wrap is all about draining the toxins that are accumulated in our body for a long time. Toxins are usually the metabolic waste generated by the body. These toxins build up over a long period and are stored in interstitial fluid between the fat cells. Due to accumulation of these toxins the person looks fatter. The ILW does not alter fat cells i.e. there is no breakdown of fat cells. It reduces the size of the fat cells and thus brings about an inch loss. It must be clearly understood that this wrap does not induce a weight loss but only an inch loss. When combined with an appropriate weight loss program, the end results are mind boggling.

“Bandages soaked in a special solution are wrapped around the body for 60 min. Toxins in the body are attracted to this solution. The interstitial fluid gets repealed and only the toxins get attracted. As the toxins are removed from the interstitial fluid, the fat cells get compacted. We assure a minimum 6 inch loss (from head to toe) in one session; these results will remain for a month as long as the weight is maintained,” concludes Dr. Shetty.

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Bipasha Basu's Fitness Clothing Line BBloveyourself Launched, Have A First Look

Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu has launched her own line of fitness clothing named "BBloveyourself" along with Reebok

A first look at Bipasha Basu's BBloveyourself fitnessware

"I have launched my own line of fitness clothing called BBloveyourself with Reebok! Fun range, available at all outlets. Check it out," she posted on microblogging site Twitter.

A self-confessed fitness freak, the actress had earlier released a fitness DVD with the same title. Get details of Bipasha's fitness DVD here

"Fitness and health are becoming really big in India. Everybody wants to be fit. I'm glad I came out with my health video at this time," she had said.

Nails Carry Tell-Tale Signs of Other Diseases. Know Them To Nail Them

Clean and well-manicured nails often help make a good impression and we often spend a lot of time and effort in trying to beautify them. But nails are more indicative about a person than just the hygiene habits. They are also good health indicators and a sure give-away for many diseases.

These symptoms are different from the nail-related diseases and it’s important to be able to read the correct tell-tale signs, as they may warn you about a disease that you may be unaware of. Though the nail in itself is nothing but a dead tissue, the areas under the cuticle and the nail are alive and these areas make the nail vulnerable to damage or infection. Hence, diseases can easily manifest on nails.

“It is true that nails often give us clues to diseases in the body. Not only do they tell you about your present health, but also about your past trauma or illness. For instance, horizontal lines and depressions medically termed as Beau’s lines can tell you about your past illness or white spots/white lines on a nail suggests a random injury to the nail bed,” says health writer Dr Parul R Sheth.

Calling them windows to an individual’s overall health, head of dermatology Dr Nina Madnani explains, “When we examine a patient we always examine the nails too. Like the skin, nails are excellent indicators of what’s going on inside your body. If your nails are healthy — smooth and pink with a slightly curved surface — your body is probably healthy too.”

Talking about the possible reasons, she adds, “The discolouration or disfiguration could be due to several reasons and they may be systemic or a result of a local nail infection. For example, the yellowing of nails could be due to excessive use of nail polish or nail hardeners, but it could also indicate jaundice.”

Nails also tend to absorb various substances, so it isn’t uncommon to notice slight discolouration in the nails of a person who smokes regularly or a person who deals with certain chemicals having nails of a bluish tinge. “Any change in tone and texture should be looked into immediately,” says dermatologist, Dr Sunil Tahiliani.


If you have brittle nails, then you may be iron deficient. They are also indicators for biotin deficiency, kidney disorder, thyroid or circulation problems.

Thickening of nails indicate circulation problems.

Concave nails (bent inwards) are a symptom of iron deficiency and/or lack of vitamin B12.

The deficiency of vitamn C causes the nails to split or become frayed. They could also indicate psoriasis, or lack of folic acid and proteins. Clubbing of nails could be because of oxygen deficiency in the body, due to lung,
heart or liver problems. Nails with pits are usually a symptom of psoriasis. Lines and grooves on the nails are often associated with various diseases. The vertical ridges appear due to arthritis, while horizontal ridges are a result of too much stress. B12 deficiency is signified by dark nails. Pale nails could be due to anaemia or problems with the kidneys/liver. Red nails are often due to heart disease. Blue nail beds are the result of lack of oxygen in the blood, most likely due to asthma, emphysema or other lung and heart diseases.

Grey nail beds are a symptom of diseases like arthritis, glaucoma, cardio diseases or excessive malnutrition.

Yellow nail beds indicate liver disorders, diabetes, lymphatic diseases or chronic bronchitis.


It is very important to take good care of nails and not ignore or avoid any symptom, but some of the symptoms can also appear in healthy individuals. So, don’t be alarmed at every slight change or if you happen to have some of these symptoms.

“Though nails sometimes do tend to change colour sometimes, it’s better not to ignore it only if the change seems permanent. Often, women tend to hide any discolouration or disfiguration by painting the nails. Ignoring such signs and viewing them as only an aesthetic problem could be dangerous for your health and may only worsen the condition. The wise thing to do is visit your doctor to rule out all causes of the abnormality,” says Dr Madnani.


While eating right may not cure the symptoms if they are a manifestation of some internal disease, it is important to eat right to avoid deficiencies of iron and vitamins. According to Dr Sheth, “Nail health is greatly influenced by a healthy, balanced nutrition. Lack of vitamins and other essential nutrients will naturally reflect on your nail health. A diet rich in iron, zinc and calcium is recommended for healthy and strong nails. Protein-rich foods are an excellent source of biotin, a part of vitamin B-complex, essential for healthy nails. These include eggs, soy bean flour and milk. Vitamin A too, promotes healthy nails. It can be had from carrots, green and leafy veggies — spinach and broccoli.”

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Sexy Bruna Abdullah Shares Beauty and Fitness Tips

Do you follow a diet to stay in shape?
I eat healthy. I eat junk food once a week. When you are dieting, stop thinking that you are dieting. The very thought will stop you from dieting. If you decide to diet, then you decide, don't let other people tell you to. Try and work out. If you can't go to the gym, then walk or try cycling. It is very healthy. Eat healthy.
It is very easy but we make it difficult.

How do you maintain your skin and hair?
I think I have to give credit to my dad. He is too good-looking. I have his looks. Apart from that I try to sleep early and wake up early. I recently started visiting the gym. I eat properly: breakfast, lunch and two snacks, so that I don't stuff myself with dinner. I drink a lot of water. I make sure that I remove my make-up as soon as I am home. I wear an eye cream -- doesn't have to be an expensive one -- before I sleep. A little bit of personal care and hygiene is very important. Sometimes when you overdo it, it doesn't work. Keep your mind free because you get pimples and acne because of stress. I am a very hyper person, so I look for things that will keep me calm, like chamomile tea. It also depends on your lifestyle. For example, I don't smoke, so that helps.

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Shankar Mahadevan's Recipe of His Favourite Dish 'Spicy Thai Green Curry'

Celeb Cook-in introduces you to the lesser-known foodie hidden in our better-known faces

Shankar Mahadevan, Singer and Composer


“I can’t resist spicy green Thai curry. It’s so tempting. The coconut flavour makes this a truly enjoyable dish. And of course, I have a weakness for anything with chocolate.”


“I have a thing for Chinese food, so it has to be Royal China, Mumbai. It’s a place where I can have good food and relax with my family.”


“I’m a true South Indian at heart and I love to eat South Indian food — dosas, idlis, vadas. The secret of a good dosa is the chutney. I make very good chutneys.”


“I love music, it’s in my soul. But I love cooking. Being in the kitchen is perhaps the best way to relax. I also love watching cookery shows.”


“It was at a small Chinese dhaba close to Great Wall of China. We were surprised at the dishes that they doled out. They were simply amazing.”


“Green Thai curry.”

Shankar’s Thai green curry, chicken with jasmine rice

Green Curry Paste

INGREDIENTS: I Onion: 60 gms I Garlic: 40 gms I Galangal: 60 gms I Green chilli: 25 gms I Big green chilli: 30 gms I Kaffir lime leaves: 20 gms I Lemon grass: 30 gms I Coriander roots: 20 gms I Coriander: 20 gms I Coriander seeds: 20 gms I Cumin seeds: 20 gms.


INGREDIENTS: I Curry paste: 70 gms I Coconut milk:100 ml I White eggplant (diced): 50 gms I Pea aubergines:50 gms I Thai chili diamond: 10 gms I Sweet basil:15 gms I Chicken: 200 gms I Light soy sauce:10 ml.


INGREDIENTS: I Jasmine rice: 100 gms I Water: 2 times of rice. METHOD I Boil together onion, garlic, and galangal. I Blanch green chili and keep aside. I Blend the ingredients to a fine paste. I In a heavy bottom pan, add oil, sauté paste, coconut milk and stock.I Keep cooking till curry starts leaving oil. I In a separate pan, add curry and pea aubergine, white eggplant and boil the curry. I Add chicken and cook.I Finish with Thai chili and sweet basil and light soy sauce.I Serve hot with jasmine rice


METHOD: I Wash, drain jasmine rice. I In a rice cooker, place drained rice and add two times the water by quantity and cook till rice gets done.

Yoga to Belly Dancing - People Are Shunning Gyms For More Interesting Forms of Workouts

GYM memberships are going down as people opt for fitness forms like yoga, dancing, Pilates and kickboxing, confesses the manager of an elite New Delhi-based gym. On the other hand, he says, fitness classes are usually full. Finally, one can give the gym a miss, as an increasing number of people shift from gyms to other ‘interesting’
forms of workouts. Belly dance classes, aerobics, swimming, running, spinning and Pilates routines are popular. Admits socialite Kitty Kalra, who is a fitness buff but hates the traditional gym routine, “I now focus on Pilates and power yoga. I believe in a variety of workouts since I get bored easily. It keeps my energy and interest going!” Several people confess that they started their fitness routine with a gym but then soon tired of it. Actor Shah Rukh Khan too was recently advised to try belly dancing to maintain his abs.

Similarly, Ponds Femina Miss India World Manasvi Mamgai swears by her group workout sessions. She can’t imagine herself doing weights in the gym, all by herself. “I really look forward to working out with friends. It’s an amazing
stress buster. Also, I can’t imagine only doing weights and other machines. Group workouts keep me motivated. I do tai chi, aerobics, power yoga and even belly dancing.”

C o n f e s s e s Seema Katyal, mother of three, “My friends and I go for regular walks. We don’t like gymming, but wanted to follow some health routine. On weekends, we even hold breathing classes. We challenge each other to keep up the motivation." B e s i d e s b o r e d o m , there are other factors that lead to g y m f at i g u e. Tollywood a c t r e s s Anushka Shetty has been burning out in the gym to look good on screen. But she now complains of a torn cartilage and has put on a few kilos due to lack of exercise. Hers is not an isolated case. Many people suffer from side-effects of gymming. Also, the workouts are mechanical and there’s not much scope for creativity. Explains yoga master Bharat Thakur, “I recently uploaded some YouTube videos on my workout. One needs proper instructors in a gym and they are not always available. I constantly innovate to ensure that people don’t get bored.”

Many men are turning towards football, cricket, kickboxing and women towards yoga and dancing.

Fitness expert Deanne Pandey advises people to be careful about deciding their workouts. She says, “I used to be a hardcore gym person but now I also follow Iyengar yoga and Pilates. Both are intelligent forms of workouts." She warns, “You cannot just decide one fine day to quit gymming and go for a sports activity or alternate group workouts. It can lead to injuries. It’s important to secure your muscles and joints.”