Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Moisturise Daily For Wrinkle-Free Skin.

Moisturising Daily is More Than Enough to Keep Wrinkles at Bay

Want Skin Free of Wrinkles - Use a Moisturizer daily

If you are one of the many women who often tend to sacrifice their daily detailed beauty regimes at the altar of their hectic and busy work schedules, then don’t panic at the thought of what lies ahead for your skin. Even if you are just regular with your daily moisturising routine, and can manage to steal even a minute to rub it in, then Botox may not have to be on your list of must-dos for quite a long time. The key to staving off wrinkles, it seems, is simple and less expensive. Skin scientists now claim that a normal moisturiser is more than enough to smoothen the face. In the first long-term study, which measured the speed of wrinkle development, scientists discovered that dry skin more than doubles the speed at which wrinkles develop. And the experts found that women with wellhydrated facial skin develop wrinkles much slower than those with dry skin.

According to the study, published in the British Journal of Dermatology, for a typical 28-year-old woman with dry skin, the amount of visible wrinkle increase by 52 per cent by the time she reaches 36. But her wrinkles would increase by just 22 per cent at age 36, if she had well-hydrated skin, the scientists said.

Dr Greg Hillebrand, lead author of the paper on the study of 122 women, aged between 10 and 72, said, “The results suggest that the quality of the stratum corneum — the skin’s outer layer — can profoundly affect the rate at which expression or temporary lines turn into persistent wrinkles.”

Explaining further, he adds, “It stands to reason that women, and probably men, can dramatically delay the age of onset of persistent wrinkles, by protecting their skin daily with an effective moisturiser and sunscreen lotion from an early age, although it is never too late to nurture your skin and protect against wrinkles.”

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