Senin, 30 Mei 2011

See Health and Fitness as a Necessity, Not as a Chore Says Model Sahil Shroff

Models don’t have a choice but to look good. So it’s no wonder then that Sahil Shroff takes his fitness very seriously. He shares his workout plan

Working it out

My fitness regime these days is a balance off all kinds of energy systems being tilised in a week along with flexibility and strength training. With regards to cardio, I run once or twice a week and cover 12 kms in each run. I have at least one session of Taekwondo in a week, along with basketball or tennis to fill in the third and fourth day of cardio. I have an alternate day regime for cardio. I don't do body building or weight training anymore, I work a lot on core strength and use my body weight for my exercises. I hit every muscle in different angles using my body weight through push ups, pull ups, lower body exercise and intense band work. I also spend my mornings doing basic yoga breathing exercises and meditation. I keep changing my regime so I don't get bored.

Food for thought

My diet is very balanced. I don't take protein powders as I have a high protein diet. Oats and dry fruits in the morning, fruits in between main meals, lunch has fish and two vegetables with seven grain two rotis along with raw salad. At night, I have two rotis with one vegetable and a high protein dal n a piece of fish maybe. A lot of spinach, eggs, almonds, moong and fish complete my diet plan. I stopped chicken and meat a year ago. Oh yes, I can’t miss my daily cup of coffee and tea.


For starters, you shouldn’t see health and fitness as a chore, but as a necessity. It will make a difference in your overall health. You should do something that you enjoy doing that will also help you stay fit. Maybe, you could go back to a sport you played in school. Keep your workouts simple and goal oriented. Don't believe what you hear unless you’ve tried it out. The motivation statement is ‘go hard or go home’ (laughs).

Remedies To Remove Sun Tan

While a tan may be attractive for some, for others it's just one of the dreaded hazards of summer. Though most of us douse ourselves with sunscreen before stepping out, a sun tan invariably sets in. Besides, darkening our complexion, it can also cause skin cancer by destroying the skin cells.

For those who are stuck with a stubborn tan, here are some quick fix Methods to Remove Sun Tan and Burns:

- “Apply pure sandalwood paste on your face 10- 15 minutes before you go for a shower. It's very soothing and works wonders for your complexion,” says Asha Hariharan of Beyond the Fringe Salons and Spas.

- Prepare a mixture of besan ( gram flour) and rose water and apply it on the affected area. Leave it till it dries and wash it off with lukewarm water.

- Apply a paste of papaya, cream and sugar on the tanned area before bathing to get rid of the tan.

- Mix the juices of tomato and cucumber and apply it on your face on a daily basis to remove tans.

- “Grate cucumber and strain the juice in a bowl. Add some grated potatoes to it and spread it evenly over your face. This will brighten the skin and erase the tan”

- Mix sugar with the juice of a lemon. Add a little glycerin to it. Scrub the affected area with this mixture in a gentle circular motion. This will help get rid of the tan and soften the skin.

- Take a few teaspoons of hot coconuts oil, add 1 to 2 pieces of camphor and apply to the affected area every night before going to bed. You can also make a paste of sandalwood powder mixed with coconut oil and almond oil. Apply the paste on the exposed area and leave it for some time before washing off with cold water.

- Include items like lettuce, cucumber, radish, broccoli, tomatoes and other leafy vegetables in your diet. They will protect your skin from tanning.

- But the best way to avoid tans, is to use a good sunblock ranging from SPF 15 to 35, depending on the number of hours you spend outdoors.

Say no to tans

􀀗 Use a mixture of lime juice and glycerin. This also helps remove freckles and pigmentation spots
􀀗 Use Aloe Vera gel over a sunburn or a tan
􀀗 Use caladryl if you get skin rash due to sunburn
􀀗 To lighten a tan, use a mixture of curd and lime 10 minutes before bathing. This acts as a natural skin bleaching agent
􀀗 Take 1tsp of milk powder,½ tsp of sandalwood powder, ½ tsp of limejuice and add a few drops of honey. Make a paste and use this pack twice a week for 10 minutes
􀀗 Use of foundation and compact also helps to protect against a tan

I am Into Yoga & I Play Squash Says Kulraj Randhawa

Kulraj Randhawa made her presence felt when she starred opposite the Deol family in the comedy ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’. she made the audience noticed her dimpled smile and now, she seems to be enjoying every bit of her new found stardom. Here she talks about her Diet and fitness along with few of her favorite things.

Diet mantra

I am blessed with a lean body so I don’t do much. If I put on weight, then I usually lose it easily.

Favourite food

I love food. I am a Punjabi so I love good Punjabi food. I also like Thai cuisine.

Fitness regime

I am into yoga and I’m a very active person otherwise. I play squash. But since I am part of the industry, I have started weight training recently.

Free time and weekends

Weekends are mostly party time. I hang out with friends and also attend events.

Style statement

Fashion is what looks good on your body. Depending on the occasion and time, I wear dresses, gowns, denims, shorts and jumpers.

Favourite vacation spots

Leh and Ladhak. And I want to go to Kerela.

Favourite books

I read a lot of fictional war books.

Favourite movies

I am in the industry so I have to watch films. I love different kind of movies like ‘ThreeMuske teers’, ‘Life Is Beautiful’, Sholay , ‘Black’ and the Munnabhai series.

Favourite music

I mostly listen to classics. Favourite automobile - If I have to name one, it would be Jaguar. As told to Sonal Sher

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Shibani Kashyap's Daily Skin and Hair Care Regime

‘I PREFER A NO MAKE-UP LOOK’ ...says singer Shibani Kashyap

My Daily Skin Care Regime

I like to keep my skin hydrated.Protection from the sun, cleansing of the skin and sleep are very important for a good, glowing skin. My daily skin care regime starts with washing my face with cool water, first thing in the morning. I leave it for at least half an hour and then rinse it off. Trust me, it works like magic on the skin! I always apply a sun block before stepping out of my house. I prefer going in for a no make-up look most of the time. I use make-up only during shoots. To beat the heat, I keep spraying rose water on my face to keep my skin fresh. Before going to bed, I use a light scrub to get rid of the grime, a soap-free facewash, followed by a toner and a light overnight cream to keep my face hydrated through the night. The skin of the entire body needs pampering, so I take a weekly body massage, body scrub and body polish. I believe in loving my skin and taking good care of it.

My Hair Care Regime

Hair they say, is the crowning glory of a woman. A good healthy high-protein diet is a must for healthy bouncy, shiny hair. In summer, I make it a point to wash my hair every alternate day with a good shampoo and conditioner. I avoid getting my hair coloured, highlighted or straightened. I do not like my hair to get subjected to chemicals. I oil my hair regularly with mustard oil and also use an egg pack with curd and honey. They are natural conditioners and leave the hair deeply conditioned.


As a teenager, I did have pimples but not many. Elders in the family will always ask me to keep my tummy clean. I stayed away from oily food. I still follow that and eat curd. It is rich in protein and keeps you hydrated.


The best home-made remedy I’ve come across to remove a tan is to apply curd and lime juice on your face and viola, the tan goes instantly. Multani mitti with a pinch of turmeric, honey and water/cold milk is an excellent face pack. For my hair, I massage hot oil on my scalp and keep it overnight. If time permits, I apply curd with a few drops of lime which removes oil and gives great shine to your hair.


If you have long hair and if if it is unmanageable for some reason, then just tie them into a ponytail. Keep a bodyspray or perfume handy and a lip gloss for that last minute.


Always keep face wash, moisturiser, compact powder, kaajal and light lipstick or lipgloss in your bag.

‘I do 100 Surya Namaskaras’ Says Soha Ali Khan, Who Keeps Fit By Yoga & Badminton When Bored of the Gym

‘I do 100 Surya Namaskaras’ …says actress Soha Ali Khan, who keeps fit by doing yoga, playing badminton and climbing stairs when she’s bored of the gym


It’s not fixed as whenever I get bored, I change my form of workout. But then, I keep an active lifestyle, so I can afford to not hit the gym everyday. Usually, I head to the gym for about two weeks, daily for an hour. Since I have always been fit, I don’t stress much on cardio. Moreover, I get bored running on the treadmill. Instead, I prefer doing light weights and sometimes, use the elliptical machine. On the other two weeks of the month, I keep fit by playing badminton, climbing stairs for 20 minutes and doing yoga. I do 100 Suryanamaskaras.


I think I have this Bengali cheeks. Since I have a petite frame, my cheeks tend to stand out. No matter how much body weight I lose, I can’t lose weight on my cheeks! I have tried doing facial exercises and make funny faces in front of the mirror, but it hasn’t really helped.


Many people say that I have a flat stomach. I don’t do any crunches or go on diet for it. My upper body is fine, so,I pay more attention to my lower body. I believe I have good arms. Also, I do not have weight issues as my weight has been almost constant, fluctuating from 49 to 50 kgs for the past 15 years.


I’m a non-vegetarian who doesn’t eat red meat. I eat lot of fish and chicken, besides soups, vegetables and fruits like papayas, strawberries, etc. I don’t believe in dieting and have a balanced meal. Also, I’m not one of those people who totally avoid carbs. I have carbs in the form of wholegrains products. But I have two vices: I’m addicted to diet cola and chocolates. I’m not into protein shakes but I do take vitamin supplements for three months, and after a gap of another three months. I do because taking too many vitamins can strain the kidneys.

My fitness role model

I don’t have a fitness role model because everybody has a different body and metabolism. I believe in competing with myself.

Ideal celeb body (male)

If I were a man, I’d like to have a body like Brad Pitt in the movie Fightclub.

Ideal celeb body (female)

Shilpa Shetty and Bipasha Basu have good, well maintained bodies

Only DVD Available

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, By Siddhartha Mukherjee

Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘The Emperor of All Maladies’ is a biography of cancer and of those who have fought it throughout history.

The Emperor of All Maladies іѕ a magnificent, profoundly humane “biography” οf cancer—frοm іtѕ first documented appearances thousands οf being ago through thе epic battles іn thе twentieth century tο cure, control, аnd conquer іt tο a radical nеw understanding οf іtѕ essence. Physician, researcher, аnd award-winning science writer, Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer wіth a cellular biologist’s precision, a historian’s perspective, аnd a biographer’s passion. Thе result іѕ аn astonishingly lucid аnd moving chronicle οf a disease humans hаνе lived wіth—аnd perished frοm—fοr more thаn five thousand being.

Thе tаlе οf cancer іѕ a tаlе οf human ingenuity, resilience, аnd perseverance, bυt аlѕο οf hubris, paternalism, аnd misperception. Mukherjee recounts centuries οf discoveries, setbacks, victories, аnd deaths, tοld through thе eyes οf hіѕ predecessors аnd peers, training thеіr wits against аn infinitely resourceful adversary thаt, јυѕt three decades ago, wаѕ рlοttіng tο bе easily beaten іn аn аll-out “war against cancer.”

Thе book reads lіkе a literary thriller wіth cancer аѕ thе protagonist. Frοm thе Persian Queen Atossa, whose Greek slave сυt οff hеr malignant breast, tο thе nineteenth-century recipients οf primitive radiation аnd chemotherapy tο Mukherjee’s οwn leukemia patient, Carla, Thе Royal leader οf All Maladies іѕ аbουt thе people whο hаνе soldiered through fiercely demanding regimens іn order tο survive—аnd tο increase ουr understanding οf thіѕ iconic disease. Riveting, urgent, аnd startling, Thе Royal leader οf All Maladies provides a fаѕсіnаtіng glimpse іntο thе prospect οf cancer treatments. It іѕ аn illuminating book thаt provides hope аnd clarity tο those seeking tο demystify cancer.

“In 2010, аbουt six hundred thousand Americans, аnd more thаn 7 million humans around thе world, wіll die οf cancer.” Wіth thіѕ sobering statistic, physician аnd researcher Siddhartha Mukherjee ѕtаrtѕ hіѕ comprehensive аnd moving “biography” οf one οf thе mοѕt virulent diseases οf ουr time. An exhaustive account οf cancer’s origins, Thе Royal leader οf All Maladies illustrates hοw modern treatments–multi-pronged chemotherapy, radiation, аnd surgery, аѕ well аѕ preventative care–came іntο existence thanks tο a century’s value οf research, trials, аnd small, essential breakthroughs around thе globe. Whіlе Thе Emperor οf All Maladies іѕ rich wіth thе science аnd history іn thе rear thе fight against cancer, іt іѕ аlѕο a meditation οn illness, medical ethics, аnd thе complex, intertwining lives οf doctors аnd patients. Mukherjee’s profound compassion–fοr cancer patients, thеіr families, аѕ well аѕ thе oncologists whο, аll tοο οftеn, саn offer small hope–mаkеѕ thіѕ book a very human history οf аn elusive аnd complicated disease.

Mukherjee gives a detailed history of the various attempts at cure, especially during the 20th century when the favoured methods shifted from removal of the entire breast and much surrounding tissue, with doses of radiation which changed over time, to chemotherapy and, more recently, a new understanding of the genetics of cancer.

Mukherjee conveys the emotional burden carried by a cancer specialist whose daily routine brings him close to people who may be about to die.

He once drove an hour and a half through heavy traffic to bring in person the good news that a patient’s bone marrow biopsy had proved free of malignancy. After five years of desperate disease, he could tell Carla Reed she was all clear.

This blood-and-guts volume is brightened by a handsome photograph of the oncologist looking like a Bollywood film star. This book is named by The New York Times as one of the 10 best books of 2010.

In its historical sweep, the book succeeds. It traces the first medical description of cancer to an Egyptian text of 2500BC, which told of “a bulging tumour in breast” and wrote there “is no treatment”. It highlights the ancient Persian queen Atossa who had a slave cut off her cancerous breast with a knife – a self-prescribed mastectomy.

In fact, not until 1890 was radical mastectomy introduced as a standard procedure – and “radical” was the right word: not only the tumour was excised but some deep chest muscles and lymph nodes under the armpit and the collarbone as well.

By the Fifties, the main breast cancer treatment had become simple mastectomy or a more minor lump removal called “lumpectomy”, followed by radiation. Since the Seventies, chemotherapy has become used more than surgery as a way to control tumour growth.

Today the emphasis is on genetics. Some young women who have been found to have one of the two genes now identified as cancer-carriers – BRCA1 and BRCA2 – choose to have bilateral mastectomy to free them from the fear of breast cancer. In future, women may arrive at the oncologist’s clinic with a thumb-sized flash drive containing the entire sequence of their cancer’s genome.

Mukherjee offers no false hope: “No single, universal cure is in sight – and is never likely to be.” Cancer will not disappear but rather in an ageing population will occur later and later in life, with new treatments enabling victims to live longer. “This war on cancer,” he concludes, “may best be ‘won’ by redefining victory.”

"Rarely have the science and poetry of illness been so elegantly braided together as they are in this erudite, engrossing, kind book."

You Can also Buy "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer" From For $17.40 - Click Here>>

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Simple Tips to Control Body Odour and Keep it at Bay

BODY odour can be the most embarrassing malady of the season. Below are a couple of simple tips to keep it at bay:

  • Drinking plenty of water and fresh vegetable juices can reduce sweating and hydrate the body.

  • If you are prone to body odour, a shower twice a day should help.
    What is important is that you bathe after working out, exercising or coming home from a sweaty day. Also, make sure you wash your sweaty clothes regularly.

  • The underarms tend to accumulate more sweat so make sure you shave or wax regularly. The same goes for the genital region that tends to produce more sweat.

  • Smelly feet can drive anyone up the wall. So change socks daily. Fabrics like cotton and linen are better at soaking in sweat than other fabrics.

  • Deodorants do help to mask body odour, but because they cause the skin pores to clog, you can’t be using a deo every three hours. Wash yourself at regular intervals. You can even keep wet wipes handy.

  • Adding lots of fibre to your body helps clear the trash away. So include as many raw veggies, unpeeled fruits and vegetables, unpolished rice, whole grains and salads in your diet. The more toxins get flushed out of your body, the lesser smells there'll be left for others to have to put up with!

Health Benefits of Mint

The magic of mint: We love the mint leaves in our kababs and our mocktails, and its not without a reason. Mint leaves along with their lovely fragrance also have a number of health benefits that are stated below

Aids in digestion

Mint is a good appetizer. The smell of mint activates the salivary glands that produce digestive enzymes. This helps us in digestion.

Nausea and headache

When you feel nauseous try some mint to drive away that feeling. Smell the aroma of mint oil or fresh mint leaves in order to decrease nausea. If you are having a headache try applying some mint oil.

Reduces congestion

The smell of fresh mint is very effective for respiratory congestion as it opens up nose, throat, and lungs. Mint flavour can also help to overcome cough.

Helps breathe easy

If asthma patients use mint regularly it can provide relaxation, and help relieve breathing.

Gives you skin sheen

Mint juice is great when used as face masks. In addition to the skin, infections, rashes, and acne can also be cured by it. Mint can also heal mosquito bites.

For your smile

Mint leaves helps overcome bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, no wonder your mouth breathes fresh when you use it regularly.

Fights cancer

According to recent studies, some enzymes contained in the mint leaves can help fight cancer cells.

Simple Remedies For You

.. Dried mint leaves, boiled in water, form a strong concoction that helps in soothing the digestive tract and easing the severity of stomach aches.

.. Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes and cleanses the stomach.

.. Crushed mint leaves helps in whitening teeth.

.. Inhaling mint gives relief from congestion problems, like sinus infections and common cold.

.. Due to the presence of essential oil called menthol, mint finds its usage in preparing a variety of cosmetics and perfumes.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Amit Tandon Does More Cardio to To Combat Tendency to Bulk Up

‘I have a natural tendency to bulk up’


I work out religiously through the week. I do a lot of weight training. I work out for a maximum of two hours in the gym, out of which I spend one hour on the treadmill. I focus on a different body part each day, like legs, shoulders, chest and so on. Twice a week, I practise martial arts and American boxing.


I have a tendency to bulk up a lot. My trainer has advised me to do more cardio to solve this issue. I also do spinning. Honestly, I do not like to look too bulky and want my body to look proportionately balanced. I tend to put on weight easily and so I want to lower my weight, which often fluctuates.


I have good will power, stamina, strength and I’m very competitive. If I see someone doing heavy weights in the gym, I try to out do that person by doing heavier weights and more repetitions.


I’m a Punjabi and that automatically makes me a big foodie. I’m a non-vegetarian and eat a lot of chicken and egg whites. I have protein shakes twice a day. I have a major sweet tooth. As a kid, I used to eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even now, I need to have at least one sandwich a day. That’s the only thing that makes me cheat on my diet.

Fitness role model:

Salman Khan because he has a well-balanced physique and has maintained it for years.

Ideal celeb body (male):
Hugh Jackman’s body in Wolverine and Gerard Butler’s body in 300.

Ideal celeb body (female):
Kim Kardashian

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Tips For Stress Relief/De-Stress

STRESS is synonymous with modern life. Too much of it wrecks our health and robs us of our personal happiness.

Here are some tips to combat stress: ..

Exercise and Meditate

Run, do some yoga, punch a bag at the gym, that's important. Your hormones need a bit of loosening up. The muscles need to begin working again. Exercise is a way to manage stress that doesn’t have to add to your financial woes. A 20-minute walk or jog around your block can yield up to 12 hours of improved mood. The main thing is to find a physical activity that you enjoy, whether it’s dancing or fly fishing. Practice deep breathing and meditation exercises daily, and when you feel tension rising.

If you like massages, go for them.

Stress often manifests in the form of physical ailments, aches, pains, etc.

Massages are a good for the physical body and also, mentally, it relaxes your frayed nerves.

Consciously incorporate some laughter into your daily regime.

Whether it is in the form of jokes, films, comic strips, comedy shows, a funny friend, treat this as part of an imaginary doctor's prescription. Laughter really is the best medicine. It is proven to lower tension, and at the same time, improves blood flow and the health of your heart. Rent a funny movie or hang out with that wannabe-comedian pal, and forget about your worries for a while

Socialize and Mingle with people.

When you are with people, troubles start feeling less burdensome. You begin to get a sense of what everyone else is living with and automatically lighten up.
Spending time with friends and family who give you a sense of belonging, purpose, and fun may provide all the stress relief you need.

Join a fun class.

It should be something that you enjoy - dancing, yoga, pottery, a book reading club… something that takes you away from the bigger events of the day that are a continuous source of stress, something you can actually label as ' me' time.

Prioritizing healthy eating, physical activity, relationships, and sleep is necessary if you want to avoid making your stress worse.

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Neha Desai's Diet and Exercise Regime

TV ACTOR NEHA DESAI who has been seen in a number of TV serials is very particular about her fitness. She loves to workout in the gym whenever she has free time at hand.

She shares her fitness regime:

Gym gyaan

I have been working out rigorously for the past five years or so. I hit the gym at least five days a week. I train specific body parts like chest, shoulders, triceps, back and biceps, legs, abs on different days. As I am already slim, I don’t need any cardio workout.

Also it’s easier to tone my muscles, which is what I concentrate on.

Weighty issue

Genetically, I am quite thin.But since I have a high metabolic rate, I have to balance my workout with my daily food intake. Also, my weight has been stable throughout. I don’t have a tendency to put on kilos. If I don’t work out regularly, I tend to lose weight.

So, I need to exercise to stay healthy.

My diet Regime

  • I start my morning with a huge glass of warm water, followed by tea with ginger ( I do not compromise on my first tea for the day).

  • It is followed with a heavy breakfast, which could be a brown bread sandwich ( with lettuce, cucumber, cheese) or Poha / Upma, oats or fruits on somedays with protein shake.

  • Lunch is normally roti, sabzi, dal and achaar.

  • In the evenings, I have a protein bar or fruits or Maggie.

  • My dinner is similar to my lunch.
  • I drink around three litres of water every day. I try to drink as much water as I can. It's good for my skin and keeps my body hydrated.

  • Chilling out

    I love listening to music. I always have my music on me.

    It helps me cut off from people whenever I want to and be in my own zone. Reading novels, watching films and chilling out with my friends also helps me unwind.

    Sometimes, just a drive is enough to end the day on a good note.

    Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

    Causes For Memory Loss and 5 Tips to 'Remember'

    Just two weeks ago, you forgot your cell phone in a taxi, only to repeat the same thing again last week. The only difference is that this time it was with your wallet. You are not alone! A recent study by the Hokkaido University of Japan, conducted on 150 volunteers between the ages of 20 and 35, found that one in 10 young people are suffering from severe memory loss.

    Another study on women under 30, estimates that a third of women cannot remember their own phone number, leave alone the birthdays of as few as three close relatives. Are we running out of memory space? Neurology specialist Dr Vinay Chauhan says that the tendency for forgetfulness at a younger age is a growing cause for alarm. "It is important to focus on the cause for memory loss in young people, because more often than not it is not an actual brain dysfunction like Alzheimer's, but an environmental or chemical imbalance in the patient's life. Once identified, these causes can usually be treated," he says.

    Causes for the early onset of memory loss range from stress to depression, a condition more common in women, to thyroid imbalances and even deficiencies in Vitamins B-12 and B-6. B-12 and B-6 are essential in getting neurotransmitters in our brains to remember things. Neurologist and specialist in memory loss Dr Anu Aggarwal says, "Memory loss is especially high in Mumbai, where gadgets are replacing our memories and young people are multi-tasking at extraordinarily high levels. Our brains are simply not equipped for such an overload."

    She stresses the importance of diagnosis and treatment to overrule the possibility of serious long-term condition, including Alzheimer's disease and Dementia, whose likelihood increases with age. Talking to next of kin or a close friend is vital to understanding the gravity of the problem since people tend to either over or underestimate their own forgetfulness. One surefire indication that you (or someone you know), is suffering from a real problem is when your forgetfulness starts to impact your life or aspects of it.

    The silver lining is that is that provided the 'memory loss' is an offshoot of the stress of living and working in the city, it is treatable. Dr Chauhan cites the case study of a 45-year old woman, who was suffering from severe memory loss and behavioural changes. While all signs seemed to point towards the early onset of Alzheimer's, tests revealed the cause to be Hashimoto's Encephalopathy disorder, a very rare hypo-thyroid condition.

    Post treatment, she returned to a complete state of normalcy. Adequate quality sleep is one of the best ways to combat potential memory loss. Sleep helps the body to consolidate memory, playing an extremely important role in brain function. So, the next time you find yourself struggling to remember things, the best advice might just be to, sleep on it!

    5 Tips to 'remember'

    1 Exercise. Regular (and preferably daily) exercise results in increased blood flow to the brain. It also puts you in a state of relaxation, which is important for the memory to function.

    2 'Me' time counts. Setting aside recreational time for oneself every day is important, as it helps slow down the pace of an otherwise frenzied day.

    3 Eat healthy. A healthy balanced diet, which includes a good dose of vitamin B-12 (found in animal products like meat, poultry, eggs and milk products) is good. Vegetarians, who are more prone to this deficiency, can opt for B-12 supplements.

    4 Stick to a routine. A regular daily schedule combined with a good night's sleep (at a regulated time), helps regularise a body clock.

    5 Avoid addictions in any form, as they increase the chances of memory dysfunction.

    Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

    Diet is the Key Says Mahaakshay Chakraborty as He Reveals His Fitness Secrets

    Mahaakshay Chakraborty talks about his fitness regime and Diet

    Mahakshay Chakraborty


    My exercise regimen is very intense. I do Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) thrice a week for 90 minutes. I don’t do weights anymore, but concentrate on cardio — whether it’s running 5 km a day, dancing, swimming or squash. I
    also do the ‘Insanity’ workout which is cardio to the extreme! And I play a lot of cardio games too.


    Of course, diet is key! In fact, I believe that diet is everything! I count even the air that I breathe. Because of my intense training, I make sure I eat the right amount of nutrients. Everything is balanced. But I don’t take supplements. I only take a multi-vitamin. I eat everything under the roof but in moderation. Just enough for the body to absorb and to use.


    Since I’ve been doing MMA I have moved my shoulder tendons on more than one occasion so my shoulders are loose. My lower back pains from time to time and so do my muscles tendons below my right thigh. But I take the pain because I love MMA!


    My strength is my mind because pain is weakness leaving the body. The mind has the ultimate power and in MMA, the mind has to be stronger than the body because you get punched and kicked a lot.

    Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

    How Anushka Sharma Stays Fit

    FIRST THING on my mind when I wake up…
    My schedule for the day...

    I’m always in TWO MINDS about…
    Whether to comment or not to.

    THIRD-TIME lucky (something I tried thrice)
    Touch wood! I have been very lucky with the kind of films I’m doing…

    FOURplay (my all-time favourite songs to work out to)
    I don’t have any, as the tempo of my workout drives the music I play.

    Gimme 5! (My 5 workout essentials)
    I do weight training four times a week to tone my body. Eating right and healthy is a very important part of my wellness routine (Check out Anushka's Wholesome Diet). Yoga is a recent addition to my workout, as it rejuvenates my mind, and gives my skin that inner glow. Sufficient rest is also important for the body to recuperate.

    6 am (what I’m most likely to be doing at the time)
    Sleeping, unless I have work.

    7 days a week (I can’t live without!)

    8 and 8 (my favourite guilty indulgence)
    My mom’s momos and butter chicken. For Anushka's Recipe of Momo Click here >>

    On cloud 9 (my favourite ways to de-stress)
    I always have such a stressful schedule that I really appreciate the simple, relaxed things in life, like gossiping with my mom while she gives me a nice head massage, or lunching with my girlfriends.

    LAST THING I do before tucking in…
    Wash my face and a champi with coconut oil.

    Diet: Have a Rainbow On Your Plate

    Staying younger longer is a wholistic process that has its roots in sound nutrition. Even if you are keeping your weight in check, you still need to ensure that you are eating the right foods to ensure you’re getting adequate nutrients from your diet. A good way to ensure this is to incorporate lots of bright colours on to your plate: greens, yellows, reds and even purple ( brinjal is a great “ super” food, bursting with antioxidants).

    Eating foods rich in antioxidants ( almonds, sweet potatoes) and “ fat- burning foods” or complex carbohydrates, including fresh fruits and veggies go a long way in making you look younger and feeling fabulous, since metabolism slows down with ageing, and as a result the body burns fewer calories.

    Experts advise steering clear of processed foods, which are foods that have been altered from their natural state, either for convenience or safety reasons. Examples include foods that have been canned, frozen, dehydrated and even refrigerated. These include chips, cookie, breakfast cereals, pastas made with refined white flour and processed meats.

    A good way to avoid bingeing is to opt for ‘ natural appetite suppressants’ before a meal.

    Tips include drinking two glasses of water at least half an hour before a meal, eating fibre- rich foods ( lentils, wholewheat pasta, lentils), eating fresh salads and soups.

    Eating slowly also goes a long way, as does portion control: Understanding portion size and approximate calories per recommended serving.

    Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

    Shilpas Yoga DVD - An Introduction To Dynamaic Free Flow Yoga Practice

    The gorgeous Shilpa Shetty performs Yoga Asanas in the perfect scenic ambiance of Kerala on the southern tip of India alongside the Arabian Sea, surrounded by mesmerizing views. This unique workout aims not only to strengthen and tone, but also to heal; designed to help improve posture you will notice your body changing through a series of calming poses which focus on slow movement and breathing control. With careful and precise instruction, the DVD demonstrates specific sequences that, with practice, will enhance concentration, agility and flexibility. Other benefits include stress and tension release, increased energy and vitality, weight loss, improved circulation and digestion and enhanced energy. The programme is broken down into back postures, standing postures, sitting postures, stomach postures, neck & shoulder postures and the art of correct breathing. Bonus features include, meet Shilpa Shetty, behind the scenes, a photo gallery and a 15 minute Quick Fix - BUY SHILPAS YOGA DVD NOW >>

    Shilpa Shetty Says, "Everyone wants to feel and look good. I discovered something that did both, Yoga and I'm completely overwhelmed by the beauty and power of it. Yoga is a lifestyle choice. It's a management system for life and it is the most holistic approach to life that I have ever come across. It strengthens, tones and cures. It works on body, mind and soul. Yoga has had a spectacular impact on my life. I'm hoping it does the same for you".

    Buy Shilpas Yoga - (DVD In English) From >>